Stalin wouldn't have committed those atrocities though if he was a pious Muslim or Christian, for example, because both of these religions state that murder is wrong.
Mmmhmm, mmhmmm... yes, your logic is impeccable.
I suppose we then need to find a new word to describe what the 9/11 hijackers did, what Hitler did, what the Crusaders and Inquisition did, what our Christian and Muslim soldiers do on a daily basis...
Strangely, I appear never to have met a pious Muslim or Christian.
Heaven must be quieter than Disneyland Paris on a wet, Tuesday afternoon!
The Crusades.
That will be all.
Except that being a pious muslim or christian or any other religion never seems to stop people from killing... how strange, one would think that following a benevolent god would impart some sort of moral benefit, yet it does not.
GoFast, Catholics aren't Christians. Haven't you been paying attention. Therefore, all of the 'major' attrocities (The Crusades, The Inquisition etc), were done by Catholics and not Christians.
I wonder, what religion does the president of the US, G. W. Bush, belong to? Given that he cheerfully orders the deaths of people both in his own country and on a massive scale in Iraq? Wasn't he a born-again Christian? Nah, I must be wrong, hussein's logic is impeccable.
Hope that helps,
Grey Wolf
"Torquemada wouldn't have committed those atrocities though if he were an atheist, for example, because both of these religions have the few sections where they say killing is wrong ignored in favor of the "kill all those you don't like with the church's blessing" ones whenever its advantageous for the so-called pious"
You mean like Hitler?
Oh sure. Instead, he would have handed out money and candy, crapped from the backside of the smiley golden princess fairy, while pink unicorns cummed rainbows, right?
La la lalala laaaa, la lala la laaaaa!
of course not, Christians don't do that kind of stuff...The Crusades were just a little accident, really...
Oh, and Emperor Constantine (Saint Constantine for the Christians, "He wo Fucked up the roman Empire" as far as I'm concerned), who ordered massive Pogroms against non-christians...and the Inquisition...and Nazi-Germany (which had the Blessing of pope Pius)...and the Salem witch Trials...but except those few little incidents Christians never, EVER killed somebody
As a young man, Stalin trained as a Christian priest.
Made him the man he was, no doubt.........
And nevertheless, we had, not the Inquisition, the Crusades, Sep 11 and such, no way!, they also had guys such as Pinochet or Ibi Amin Daba. Your point?
European nations would never have committed the atrocities of the Crusades, for example, because their religion states that murder is wrong.
The Puritans would never have endorsed the genocidal atrocities commited against Native Americans, for example, because their religion states that murder is wrong.
The above statements mean the same to me as does your statement, Apeiron.
Torquemada was a pious Christian, and look how many he put to death by his own orders or hand?
Shall we tally up the body count of how many were killed during the Crusades?
Idiot, go open a history book and read it before you spout such nonsense.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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