Humans have always been humans. Ameobas have always been amoeba !
There seems to be a lack of upper-level thinking. The creation of this entire universe can not be broken down into such simple terms as evolution. Evolution is a joke and so ridiculous, I just can not believe so called intellectuals even ponder the idea.
Life, the world, time, change and the universe is magnificent construction of the greatest magnitude. Some HUMAN BRAINS CAN NOT EVEN CONCEIVE THE IDEA.
We need more upper-level thinking, instead of concrete, elementary level thoughts.
We need more upper-level thinking, instead of concrete, elementary level thoughts."
Well, yeah . . . .
Actually most of the naturalistic explanations for the diversity of life/creation of life/creation of thge Earth/Creation of the galaxy/Creation of the Universe (These aren't all the same thing) are incredibly complex, just because you cannot wrap your head around these concepts does not make them false.
While the first sentence is technically true (each was something else before evolving into the current form), the rest is absolute rubbish. The problem with fundiebabble is that there is no thought involved at any level. Goddidit, no thought required, end of discussion, point, set, match.
The creation of this entire universe can not be broken down into such simple terms as intelligent design.
"Humans have always been humans. Ameobas have always been amoeba !"
Bad spelling has always been bad spelling.
"There seems to be a lack of upper-level thinking."
Absolutely true, and you're part of the problem.
"The creation of this entire universe can not be broken down into such simple terms as evolution."
You should refrain from deeming evolution "simple" until you demonstrate that you understand the subject.
"Evolution is a joke and so ridiculous, I just can not believe so called intellectuals even ponder the idea."
I rest my case. You think it's simple, a joke and ridiculous, and yet the intellectuals (the smart people) feel it has great merit. Now why do you suppose that is?
"Life, the world, time, change and the universe is magnificent construction of the greatest magnitude."
We agree. I find many things in the universe magnificent and awe inspiring.
Again, we agree, though I would not type it in capitals. Many good, solid ideas are hard for many people to understand. It doesn't make those ideas wrong, just complicated. Similarly, just because one has trouble understanding an idea doesn't mean the answer is God.
"We need more upper-level thinking, instead of concrete, elementary level thoughts."
Again, I agree with your statement, though I'm sure that we do not agree as to what is "upper-level thinking."
And yet by your own admission, some can. So quit being so unimaginative.
Humans have always been humans. Ameobas have always been amoeba !
No shit! Before they were, respectively, humans and ameobas, they were different things.
There seems to be a lack of upper-level thinking.
Indeed. In fact, in your case, I'd go so far as to say that there seems to be a lack of any thinking at all.
The creation of this entire universe can not be broken down into such simple terms as evolution.
Right. We use higher level mathematics to describe that. The only relevant mathematics in evolution (for most purposes) is statistics.
Evolution is a joke and so ridiculous, I just can not believe so called intellectuals even ponder the idea.
Perhaps that same difference between you and them is why they are "intellectuals", and you aren't.
Life, the world, time, change and the universe is magnificent construction of the greatest magnitude
Indeed. And what could be a more magnificent "construction" than the one that builds itself?
Leaving them only one step above yours, which evidently cannot concieve any idea.
We need more upper-level thinking, instead of concrete, elementary level thoughts.
Well, that's true, but I'd settle for more of either (and preferably both), as long as there isn't a decrease in either. We'll start with you. First, you have an idea (of either type), and then we'll work on the rest of the non-thinkers...
the title to this post is "when did OUR evolution cease?"
it didn't, but slowed down considerably when we started controlling our environment. physical evolution is almost obsolete for humans as its no longer needed for our survival. the evolution for humans now, is how our brain prosseses and mental abilities evolve. i'm sorry that you seem to have missed that boat.
"Life, the world, time, change and the universe is magnificent construction of the greatest magnitude. Some HUMAN BRAINS CAN NOT EVEN CONCEIVE THE IDEA."
Looks like you're in with those folks.
The creation of this entire universe can not be broken down into such simple terms as evolution.
Indeed. Which is why evolution only pertains to biological change , not everything in the fucking universe.
Life, the world, time, change and the universe is magnificent construction of the greatest magnitude. Some HUMAN BRAINS CAN NOT EVEN CONCEIVE THE IDEA.
I agree. Which is why they fall back on "Goddiddit." Seems to be more comforting than envisioning a world where there are myriad incompletely-understood factors, and vast spans of time.
To me, evolution seems ridiculous, but all of the experts agree that it happened. Hmm. I guess all the experts are wrong! I mean, I can't possibly be wrong, can I?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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