Neo-Conservatism and it's vail of deceipt is what is driving the fear factor of our country. The new US ID cards bill got passed through congress, piggybacked on a Iraq War funding bill, by 2008 the Feds will start this program and everybody in this country will have one, you won't be able to have a bank account without one, let's just hope 666 isn't encrypted somewhere in the ID code.
The time is growing closer and closer, our government will be a leader in the corruption and participate fully in the bringing forth of the Anti-Christ.
More nonsense from the Sean Inanity forum. He forgot to mention the barcode tattoos and the embedded microchips.
Mind you, he is right about the neocons being the driving force ramping up the fear levels in the USA, and I might be willing to go along with Dubya being the Anti-Christ.
Next thing, he'll be whining that Social Security cards will soon all start with 666 or whatever the hell. Although, I have enough cards to keep track of, I don't want another one to deal with, too.
Redhunter: 616?
Let's see... Vatican calls my country their little pet (not that officially, mind you) and I remember having ID cards obligatory since I was born. Not just that, but every person has a unique citizen number (printed on every ID card) which is practically a key to entire person's buirocratic life.
In the Netherlands everyone over the age of 14 is forced to take his ID card with him if he (or she) decides to leave the house for a while (on punishment of a 50 euro fine, about US$63). The card has my social security number, name, adres, date of birth, height, photograph and place of residence on it. Does this make The Netherlands a demonic country?
No it does not. According to the bible everyone will get the same number/sign. So an unique one doesn't count, and it has to be applied to your head or hands.
Nicole: The number is either 616 or 666 depending on your Greek or Hebrew translation. The number is supposed to be the addition of the numbers represented by "Nero Caesar" in either Greek or Hebrew (both used their letters as numbers, just like the Romans did). In one of these languages the name is also rendered as "Neron Caesar". With the additional N, you get 666, without it, you get 616.
In any case, that's the answer to the mark of the beast. Fundies will argue that it couldn't possibly be Nero, however, because Nero did not require a special mark for buying and trading in his time - he just enjoyed finding brutal ways to kill Christians. However, what most English Bibles simply leave out is that the references in Revelations are apparently to Nero Caesar Recidivus - loosely translated, "Nero Reborn". And it so happens that Domitian was frequently called "Nero Reborn" by the Christians because, after a period of relative non-persecution, Domitian ramped up the lion pits and crucifixions for Christians again, similar to Nero. And, oddly enough, Domitian did institute a program that required "a special mark" in order to conduct business within the Empire.
None of which means anything to a fundie, who is always convinced that Revelations is talking about modern times and any connection between Revelations and ancient history is either "coincidental" or "a sign from God purposely made to happen that way to point us in the right direction now."
From :
Main Entry: vail
Pronunciation: 'vAl
Function: transitive verb
Etymology: Middle English valen , partly from Anglo-French valer (short for avaler to lower) & partly short for Middle English avalen to let fall, from Anglo-French avaler , from aval downward, from a to (from Latin ad ) + val valley -- more at AT, VALE
: to lower often as a sign of respect or submission
Oddly, though, there is no entry in the dictionary for "deceipt".
I hope there IS a 666 or 616 on ant such cards, HardHead, just to stir up the fundies. Of course, they will have a typical fundy way of denying that it means what they've been claiming it means, so they can all have the cards.
I never understood this american fear of ID cards. Everyone has one in Brazil, with the fingerprint, signature and photo. I really don´t see how this anti-democratic or any kind of threa for civil liberties
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