Like Nazis, the pro-choice movement dehumanizes its victims; it treats the unborn as sub-humans, like the Nazis treated the Jews. The hypocracy of the situation is that many pro-choicers oppose the death penalty for criminals, but have no problems with killing innocent unborn children.
The "unborn" are "sub-humans", actually. Yup, you got us there -- a miniscule clump of cells is pretty far beneath living, breathing humans.
it treats the unborn as sub-humans
No, it treats the unborn as part of the mother until it can exist on its own without attachment to her bloodstream.
...They ARE sub-human. They're a developping blob in a woman's TUMMY.
Woman's right to body freedom goes first. If she doesn't want something she deems a parasite in her system, it's her right.
And why? Because the rights of the living come before the possibly potentials creatures in development.
"the pro-choice movement dehumanizes its victims "
Oh, and you never dehumanise women who get abortions as "sluts"? And as Misty said, the clump of cells being aborted IS sub-human.
Hey, whaddaya know?
Many pro-lifers oppose the termination of pregnancies, but have no problems with sentencing people to die, sometimes horribly, even when there's the off-chance that the person may have actually been wrongfully convicted!
The "sometimes horribly" part stems from the fact that lethal injection fucks up reasonably often; the anesthetic ends up paralyzing the victim without actually knocking them out, so they feel EVERYTHING and can't fight it. If you're going to support the death penalty, support long drop hanging. It's quick and clean when you do it right, and it's still quick even when you fuck up.
Another history-deficient fundie. The Nazis PROHIBITED abortions! We treat every born human being as equal, valuable, worth taking care of, including abortion doctors, gays and Muslims. Did you say something about dehumanizing?
Funny thing about hypocracy; we say the exact opposite of you. You oppose the removing of a parasitic lump of non-sentient cells that feels no pain, but you have no problem with killing someone's conscious, sentient born child, who does feel pain, and who might be wrongly convicted, i.e. innocent.
You don't just support the death penalty, you also support hunting, any old yokel being allowed to own assault weapons, and full-scale war as the first and only solution to an international dispute. The only time life is sacred to your hypocrites is when it's a clump of cells or a terminally ill patient who wants to die quickly and painlessly instead of slowly and painfully.
My standard measuring gauge for if something is human is if it can survive outside of the mother.
Clumps of cells cannot, therefor they fail my measurements.
--- "The hypocracy of the situation is that many pro-choicers oppose the death penalty for criminals, but have no problems with killing innocent unborn children." ---
As opposed to you guys being pro-death penalty despite being anti-abortion?
Why can't these people even keep their bullshit consistent?
Then how is the preponderance of pro-death-penalty pro-lifers any less hypocritical?
Or the number of pro-lifers who are anti-welfare?
You really don't want to open the Pandora's Box of "hypocrisy." It tends to backfire.
Noguy you're an idiot. Even a fetus that resembles a human can't survive on it's own. (I'm 19 weeks and my fetus looks like a miniature version of a baby but she would die if I went into labour now). Now, I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure that Jews don't need a 24/7 life support system to keep them alive. Therefore: you fail.
Like Nazis, the haircut industry dehumanizes its victims; it treats the strands of hair as sub-humans, like the Nazis treated the Jews. The hypocrasy of the situation is that many barbers oppose the death penalty for criminals, but have no problems with chopping up innocent hair follicles.
"The hypocracy of the situation is that many pro-choicers oppose the death penalty for criminals, but have no problems with killing innocent unborn children."
Unlike the consistency of right-wing 'Pro-Life' fundies who must 'Protect the unborn child' at all costs!', but readily congregate outside a prison whenever a Death Row inmate is about to 'fry'.
...and certainly supported (or said nothing against) the murder of innocent children in Iraq & Afghanistan.
I'm suuuure there's nothing wrong in that. But only in the Bizarro World that is the fundie mindset.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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