jimj #fundie city-data.com
Would you continue the friendship knowing your friend is a child molester?Your thoughts??? I cut ties with a friend who was a child molester. It took awhile and wanted to look past what he has done, then I just couldn't do it anymore. We never brought it up and talked about what happened.
Depends on the situation. I just loooove all you judgmental people. Thank the heavens I don't know any of y'all. Seriously, digging for someone's birthdate and such so you can run a background check on 'em? WOW, just wow.
What criteria are you using as an age for these "kids"? Is it anyone under 18? If so you better add a WHOLE bunch of people to that list of yours.
Are there real bad people out there? Sure there are. How about those that sell drugs? Kids get ahold of those drugs and become addicts/die, how about those who provide alcohol to minors, provide false ID's,left guns out so their kids could get ahold of 'em or are addicts and don't feed,clean or clothe their kids etc,etc,etc. so where are they in the scheme of things? All of these acts can cause irreparable harm to a "kid" so how do classify them oh holy ones?
Are there some people that I'd not talk to or avoid? Sure but it's on a case by case basis and NOT just limited to one group of people (or would it be better for y'all if I said "pariahs"? ).
Just remember this, if you dig hard enough you'll find skeletons in most everyone's closet and if you're being honest about how you judge people (instead of just jumping on a band wagon) many of you would only be left with talking to yourself in a mirror.
Given the very liberal attitudes towards all things that are being done by the youth today I bet y'all won't talk to anyone under 30 very soon.