LeAigle #fundie cbh.gospelcom.net
Let me clear things up a bit here.
Remember, the universe as we know it is about 17 billion years old and the Earth was formed quite some time ago as well, and there was a Big Bang—but God made it happen...and a lot happened on this particular planet. Now, we know that Lucifer reigned on a planet called Rahab before he was thrown out of heaven because of sin, and God destroyed that planet, which now are those pieces of rock between Mars and Saturn we know as the Asteroid belt. Before Adam and Eve was created, there was evolution here on earth, but not as it was taught in school. This planet did bring forth life and we see the evidence of it in our bedrock. Dinosaurs existed and T-Rexes did munch other things. Life was great and without decay. Then Lucifer sinned and death entered this universe. Evolution as we know it was not a race towards superiority, but it became a struggle against death. Everything died—even light died eventually, so great is the wages of sin. Remember, scientists cannot tell how old something was when it lived 20 million years ago. They can only tell when it died. They cannot tell for how long the thing lived. The bones and stuff they find in limestone and stuff are dead bones, not living animals on life support—lol—
Now, this planet was in a totally dead state for about 17000 years before God re-created the Earth and all the things of Genesis came into being. God then created man and women, and all we have here on earth today. The living stuff as we know it today isn’t a result of evolution, but a result of the creative power of God, and God’s attempt to show grace to all.
What is important to us, is that we know our backround, why we are here and where we are going to be in the future, and how to get there. We need to know God loves us, and that He has prepared a way for us to be with Him again. The study into our past is quite an interesting one tho—quite interesting. And what makes it all the more fun, is that the Bible recalls those events. You only need to know where to look!