i love how you automatically think this is all foreign to me, as if you know me?! and no this supposed "gay gene" has not been proven. there is no proof whatsoever that someone is gay. that is something that was pulled out of their butts. and im sorry dear but archaeology has proven Judaism to be the oldest religion out there. try again.
Really, because there are some archeologists studying Stonehenge, the Egyptian pyramids, Sumeria, etc, that would disagree with that statement. Is google really that hard to use? You obviously have a computer...
Bacteria are not capable of believing in a god, they don't have the mental capacity.
Therefore, atheism is logically the oldest religoid.
Oldest religion according to archaeology? Hinduism, with the Celtic, Egyptian, and Sumerian/Babylonian running close behind. Then came Zoroastrianism, at least a couple hundred years before Judaism. Judaism cannot be dated any earlier than about 3500 years back, while Hinduism goes back AT LEAST 10,000 years. So do some actual research instead of relying on your idiot pastor, and try again.
[/chinese guy]
Even the Southern Baptist Conference leadership admits that homosexuality might be genetic. Are they not conservative enough for you? Besides, there are plenty of cases in nature, including during the presence of females and in the breeding season, that some male animals prefer homosexual relationships. Are the animals sinners or did some gay guy just put them up to it?
"there is no proof whatsoever that someone is gay."
Head explode.
"im sorry dear but archaeology has proven Judaism to be the oldest religion out there."
Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, and all of the "mythologies" say that you fail.
Actually, there's evidence of primitive religions that predate modern man. It has been known for some time now that "Neanderthals" (the term isn't really used anymore) buried their dead, painted what appear to be myths, and built shrines and monuments of a spiritual nature. This is stuff that dates back about 100,000 years.
And yet, after all this time, modern religions are EXACTLY as lacking in rational thought and evidence yet they wonder why some people aren't convinced....
No comment on the first four sentence fragments.
Judaism, even, is a relative newcomer to the religious stage. Hello -- Egypt, Greece, the whole of Europe, Native American faiths...
i love how you automatically think this is all foreign to me...
Apparently I have some justification for holding that opinion.
http://www.archaeologynews.org/link.asp?ID=20318&Title=OLDEST%20religion%20in%20the%20world%20is ...
In fact, the oldest of the four main religions is Hinduism. Hinduism has the oldest recorded roots in Dravidianism. Dravidianism was estimated to have been practised around 6000 to 3000BCE and as such predates Sumerian, Egyptian and Babylonian cultures.
...as if you know me?!
I know you only too well.
Archaeology and world history are two subjects you obviously don't know. Same with biology, modern medicine, and current theology.
Don't flatter yourself. No one wants to know you.
Of the five main world religions (Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam and Hinduism) Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion, however Hinduism is far far a much older religion.
@Headache: Don't forget the Romans, Greeks, Japanese, Aztecs, Mayans etc.
User name FAIL.
"and no this supposed "gay gene" has not been proven."
True, but there does appear to be a genetic component. From what I understand, and I don't keep up on such things so I could be misinformed, it appears to be largely a hormonal thing in the womb.
"there is no proof whatsoever that someone is gay."
I would say that being attracted sexually to the same gender to be all the "proof" that is needed.
"and im sorry dear but archaeology has proven Judaism to be the oldest religion out there. try again."
Indeed you should try again. The Hindu's have one of the oldest religions, possibly the oldest still practiced by any significant number of people, and have Judaism beaten by about 2k years. Smaller indigenous religions practiced by relatively few people probably go back even further.
Besides much else, including a strain of paganism that has stuck around in its original form for a good 6,000 years now.
Just cuz it doesn't have buildings doesn't validate your claims.
Judaism is just the oldest monotheistic religion. Do you believe the earth is only 6,000 years old and that a woman was literally turned into a pillar of salt too?
And, how DARE you sully the name of Elphaba!
Oh, so sorry, that was not the correct answer. Thank you for playing, though.
Hinduism is much older.
New archaeological finds (skeletons unearthed while a new road and railroad is being built) state that the region in which I live was inhabited 7000 years ago. The area where the town Motala is now situated is apparently older than the World according to YECs.
There is just as much, or as little, proof that someone is heterosexual.
"there is no proof whatsoever that someone is gay. that is something that was pulled out of their butts."
That is something that was pulled in their butts, indeed.
Göbekli Tepe in southeastern Turkey, oldest temple in the world (so far)
12,000 years old.
And ya gotta know the religion goes back further than the temples.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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