Wyatt Junker #conspiracy freeconservatives.com

[Re. President Obama]

This queer talking 138 lb. sonofabitch came out of nowhere like a pedophile handing out hope-n-change candy bars out of the back of his van at a grammar school. 143 grueling days logged in the senate. Half the time required to be trained as a janitor in a porn theater. Prior to that, a creepy Harvard guest speaker of unglued, rambling nonsense. I've heard it. As insightful and interesting as the excitement found in a Pier One saleswoman's voice on wicker furniture. Black liberation theology combined with law(read; force) to steal from one group of people to buy votes from another. A Manchurian bullshit artist fronted by Soros and an assortment of other eastern european globalists and currency traders.

To date, we don't know where this queer talking son of a female canine was born, but we do know he was the son of a runny nose coke whore whom his absent daddy knocked up one night after she got off the pole after doing a series of vertical pinwheels. Then, he was sold into slavery to granola-eating Berkley lifers. We've heard the tales of open sex parties and the beat poets who dribbled LSD infected prose into PA systems in his living room while he rocked back and forth in the corner of the kitchen as he rotated his fists into his eyeballs.

His childhood was like being raised by the symbionese liberation army, kidnapped in the mold of Patty Hearst. The artificial fathers, the stand-ins, the proxies, the kid was like a hot potato, a badge they could use as a prop, 'see, he's a black baby' etc. etc. Meanwhile, they dipped their lightly toasted pita bread into the Trader Joe's tapenade and washed it down with a Pinot Noir.

See how that works? You get yourself a multicultural one and you get whitey bonafides in the college town. Whether its Princess Di or Bradgelina. Same thing at the Dunham house. It was like a state run kennel.

What a better way to transform America than to use a swarthy prop as a dashboard president? That's the ultimate in lefty world. Skin tone proof of your own virtues. Its like validating a parking ticket at a restaurant.

Obama was never qualified or vetted. He was MADE, like Pacino in a Francis Ford Coppola flick. Constructed. Glued. Stitched. Sown. Together. Manufactured. A synthetic. The product of politically cynical lab work. A university kid who got university money(no one knows where) to attend university life and take deconstructionist classes and sit inside insulated walls inside university classrooms, far away from real life and eat the cardboard of fake and faraway universes, worlds of make believe, where you take from some people and give to others. The black liberation cults helped to foster such a sense of redistributionist themes. Themes of reparation and societal breakdown and wedge strategy. How to induce the fruit of anarchy and despoil the middle class. Slavery for slavery. Time to turn it all around and make them finally pay.

So where is such a person born? Hawaii doesn't know. Neither does Chicago. Or Connecticut. There are some who say Indonesia. They have put statues there saying so. There are some who say Pakistan. Kenya. Outer space. He will never tell us. We will never know.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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