Dear Al,
Allow me to present a slick message on your behalf in order to prevent Western feminism and to save you from engaging in indiscriminate terrorism.
1. O lovely, kindly ladies of the West, please arrange to cut off your external sexual organs. You will find that you will be much less destructive in such an organless state.
2. Then, O delightful Western girls, please to be wearing a tent when you go out in public. That way you may curb your violent ways and will not any longer be the target of righteous rapists. Also, as an added bonus thy radiant beauty will be enhanced ten-thousand-fold.
3. O sublime and intelligent Western women, by Allah's (bless His little heart) good graces, convert thyselves to Islam that thou may achieve a fundamental peace with the world.
4. O lovely Western ladies, as Muslims you may then engage with men, pleasuring them, fixing them sandwiches, giving them bouncing baby rabids, etc
5. Finally, dear Western girls, sadly, if thou do find thyselves coming over all apostate, then do arrange for your own beheading. I'm sure your diligent husbands will accommodate you in that profound task if your having difficulty doing it yourselves.
There you are Al. All sorted. Now you can relax safe in the knowledge that your message of love has been slickly sent and gratefully received. No more terrorism for you Al.