Christian Revival Center (Thomas Robb Ministries) and The Knights Party #fundie

Whether you are a card carrying member of a racialist organization or not, if raising your children with racial integrity is important to you, then it must consistently remain a focal point of not just your life, but the life of your family. In my family, striving to be a Christian overcomer, maintaining a positive attitude, staying informed of the attacks against our race, working toward white Christian revival, and always trying to be prepared for the doors the Lord may open – is not a weekend or monthly affair – it is what defines our family.

We believe that racial integrity and Christianity can not be separated. We believe that the white race are the propagators of Christianity, the servant people that God ordained to rule, subdue, and to assist in the ushering in of His Kingdom/government. To do this, he established separation of the races and to fulfill the mission our race was given, we must maintain racial integrity. Therefore racial integrity is the most important tenant of Christianity. This does not undermine the importance of any other Christian belief, but ties them all together—when you realize that Jesus Christ came and died to redeem His racial kinsmen. Should our people then despise their birthright? No. So then, to get our people back to this first most basic aspect of Christianity, is our first responsibility. And the first people to which we must ensure that this truth is received, believed, and acted upon, is our own personal family. Our family considers itself a missionary family. Its not that our people have never heard of Jesus Christ or of the Christian faith, but rather the Christian faith has been infiltrated by the Anti-Christs and now a false form of Christianity is being taught around the globe, one that denies the birthright of the white race.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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