"would say that whoever builds this POS, needs to make sure plenty of bacon grease finds its way into the morter of the building. Then after millions have been spent...let them know during the ribbon cutting ceremony that the foundation and walls have been built with the fat of pork... Would love to see the expression on the faces of these spawns of satan!!!"
In that case, if I were to leave copies of Richard Dawkins' books "The God Delusion" and "The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution" on the seats in your church, and ordered your pastor (on pain of death) that he must tell you & the rest of his parishioners that the words in said books are now Holy Writ and superior to Scripture, and that any of you saying otherwise would be an unpardonable sin, would you accept this without question?
If your answer is anything other than 'Yes', you've just destroyed your own argument.
"The building wouldn't even stay up. The formula for motat and concrete has been known for millenia: Portland cememt, lime, water, and aggregate (sand or gravel). No oil or animal fat is used in the mixture. Any civil engineer and anyone in construction knows this. FC shows their ignorance, and refusal to learn anything easily available, again."
And thus The_Elucidator's argument similarly falls apart. But then, everything that Cuntservatives, Neocunts and Fundamentalists say, do and think, is based on foundations as solid as bacon grease. Certainly their morals.