Tell me how this universe came to exist without a cause.
You've got 2 choices. Either something caused it, or not. The logical, rational conclusion is that this universe could not have come to exist without a creator. It's impossible. If one option is proven wrong, and the other option is the only one, then a logical, rational person would choose the remaining option.
Yet, you guys continue to choose to ignore logic and hold to a fairy tale.
"Tell me how the creator came to exist without a cause.
You've got 2 choices. Either something caused it, or not. The logical, rational conclusion is that the creator could not have come to exist without another creator. It's impossible. If one option is proven wrong, and the other option is the only one, then a logical, rational person would choose the remaining option.
Yet, you guys continue to choose to ignore logic and hold to a fairy tale."
According to the Gnostics, the physical dimension is simply the place under the carpet where Sophia swept her mistake.
And the "Mistake" was stupid and self-centered and actually believed that he created it all.
Floating in a 4D hyperverse are an infinite amount of 3D island universes and each time two or more island universes touches in 4d space, the island universes collapses in 4D space, seemingly instantaneous in 3D and initiates a new Big Bang and a new 3D island universe is born and so it continues forever.
Much better explanation than gods.
I'm pretty comfortable not knowing how the universe came into being. Its a hard question. Hell, right now, I'm not even sure where my keys are. Stipulating a creator doesn't really solve the problem though , because it creates a more distal question(see aaa's submission).
You got 2 have choices. Either not, or it caused something . The rational universe that is come to exist, could not have a logical creator without this conclusion. It's impossible. If the only remaining option is proven one, and the other option is one, then a rational person would choose the wrong logical option.
If something must have always have a cause, then what caused the cause of the Universe?
IF your invisible sky daddy didn't need a creator, why does a Universe that we can clearly see?
BTW, ever hear of the excluded middle fallacy?
Well, first, you'd have to prove that the universe can't, in fact, come from nothing. Then you'd have to prove that the universe actually had a creator, rather than some other, non conscious source. If you managed to do all that, you still wouldn't have proven that it was a God, much less your God.
Tell me how this universe came to exist without a cause. You've got 2 choices: Either something caused it, or not. The logical, rational conclusion is that this universe could not have come to exist without a creator. OK, now you've got 2 choices: Either something caused it, or not. The logical, rational conclusion is that this creator could not have come to exist without a another creator. But now you've got 2 more choices. Either something caused it, or not. The logical, rational conclusion is ...
Look it up lazybones. All the facts and information are readily available to anyone in the world. 'Course, if you decide to be stupid and uneducated then you will be, and obviously are. That's your problem. Now, piss off loser.
If something as simple as matter requires a creator, then why doesn't something as complex as God?
If something as complex as God doesn't require a creator, then why does something as simple as matter?
Well, if it had a beginning, then it probably had a cause. How do you know that cause is God? There are lots of possibilities for a cause (even if they wouldn't work for this universe), it doesn't have to be any god. It doesn't follow that if the cause was not god the only other choice is there wasn't a cause.
"Tell me how this universe came to exist without a cause."
Prove to me that the universe came to exist at all. Anything before the first hundredth or thousandth of a second after the big bang (i.e. particle/quantum cosmology) is hypothetical and subject to confirmation.
Whatever cause I might suggest depends heavily on what sort of physics was operating at the moment of the big bang. Certainly in some models there was no cause at all, and the universe is simply a random fluctuation of the void.
Psychologist: "We give patients a simple test to find out if they are insane:
We place a bathtub full of water in front of them along with a spoon and a bucket and tell them to empty it as fast as they can."
Visitor: "Ah! So if they use the spoon they are crazy and if they use the bucket then they are sane and logical!"
Psychologist: "No, the sane and logical ones pull the plug. Would you like a room with a window or foam walls?"
Therein lies the trick to this riddle.
The logical, rational conclusion is that we can't possibly study anything 'outside' of our known reality, and therefore cannot draw any conclusions about the origin of the universe, assuming it had a beginning. We can only study things that happened from the big bang onwards. Ironically, it's the laws of physics that prevent us from fully understanding the universe and its properties.
"Asking what happened before the big bang is like asking what is south of the south pole." -- Stephen Hawking.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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