I truly believe, and its just my belief, that just like the "human offerings" on 9/11,
that the powers that be have to offer much blood and suffering to Satan in order to have the help needed to change the world and move onto the NWO.
These Satanic rituals, have to be very large in numbers in order to please, their god, SATAN. After all what is happening in this world, and in this country is very evil and they are "offerings" to ensure we continue in the path to destruction.
I dont quote bible verses because i really dont know the bible that much, but my gut tells me this makes perfect sense.
HAARP has a hand in what we call "nature"- the Frankenstein running not for the good of the World, but for evil purposes.
I am not saying this latest Haitian earthquake was done by HAARP, it could have been the hand of the real God. However; I am leaning more to the side that tells me that we are creating more and more chaos around the world in exchange for POWER of a few on this Earth.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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