Ralph #fundie behindthebadge.net

[In response to a 14 year old girl contemplating suicide and wondering if God cares about her:]

I have a couple of tough questions for you. First, what do you think you are being saved from? I ask that because your message to me appears to be saying that you think God is saving you from having a bad day. That is not what Salvation is all about. What we are saved from when we are saved is from the sentence of death imposed on us by a Holy God whom we have sinned against. Jesus died for our sins, so that we could live with God eternally. He did not die to take away our minor struggles here in this life.

I don't mean to belittle what you are going through, but you have to get your eyes focused on the right things. If you look at this life with eyes focused on being happy, you never will be. But if you look at this life with eternity in your eyes, you will realize that this life doesn't really mean anything, it is just a wisp of smoke which is soon blown away by the wind. What is important in this life is witnessing to others so that they too can live for eternity with God instead of spending eternity in hell.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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