Anonymous, NYC #fundie

[Chabad posts on its website a letter from a Catholic nun, who was in a relationship with a Jewish woman.]

Beware of the dangers of tragic stories

We want to be compassionate kind human beings and that sometimes can gradually lead to too much toleration.

Personalized heart-breaking stories can lead or manipulate more and more good people to making long-term incremental changes that eventually harm their own community. First comes recognition of the ‘pain’ of others with our empathy and sympathy, then some measure toleration, then more toleration and acceptance, and finally Laws are amended.

The politically-correct liberalization of Judaism in America with Jews re-writing the Laws to fit their modern social and political values and placate their egos has created a Holocaust of Assimilation and brought great damage to our families.

Publishing such a story pushes for some limited degree of emotional acceptance for homosexual couples and interfaith marriages. This is a line that should not have been breached.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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