Dave Smith #fundie mirror.co.uk
i fully agree on some points. but as well as enforced eugenics wouldn't it be a good idea when immigrants invade our country on the pretext of wars etc in their homeland that they are made to have birth control injections until they return to their country of origin. at the moment they take the mick out of our lax welfare state and rip our country off. alsoi i find the wearing of burkas offensive and also how they speak in their own language when out instead of english and how they expect to be able to have their own churches and segregated lives (when in rome). also, i'd like to see youngsters I.Q tested and if they are below a certain degree stop these having children as well (retards breed retards) as the country is full of them at the moment. also rapists and murderers should be executed immediately not let out after a couple of years to commit more crimes as they are at the moment. keep up the good work Mr G.Clarke one day this country will also say enough is enough!