/BULLCRAP.....how about being bombarded by the media every day with the gay agenda???/
I must not watch the same T.V. channels that you do, then. Besides, if you don't like it, there's a little thing called a remote.
/...which star is gay today?/
I guess you don't mind the mindless "which star is pregnant today" or "which star broke up with his/her spouse today" nonsense that the media spews out on a daily basis?
/how about music telling little girls "i kissed a girl and i liked it" a popular pop song../
If you have to worry about music, worry about the hideous rap songs that glorify violence and refer to women in misogynistic terms. That's the type of music that you should be concerned about.
/always pounding home how normal this perverted lifestyle is???/
Dude, I don't think even homosexuals themselves think about their sex lives as much as you do. Who's the pervert here?
/teaching kids in school homo's are right/
Instead of teaching kids that homosexuals are abominations masquerading in the flesh of human beings who deserve to be destroyed. Oh, the horror!
/...give me a break...you can whine about discrimination all you want to/
Says the person who has probably never been discriminated against in his/her life.
/if you didn't choose to be a disease ridden pervert/
Because homosexuals are such self-hating masochists that they willingly choose to be one of the most (if not the most) hated minority groups on the planet.
/nobody would care about you..../
*snort* Yeah, like homosexuals are the only people that fundies pick on. What about all those straight teenage girls who the fundies insist on brainwashing into thinking that they're only good for being baby machines? What about all those straight non-Christians who fundies insist are going to hell for not believing in Christ? Please, once homosexuality is no longer seen as such a big deal, you people will move on to someone else. I know you will.
/i don't want you in scouts/
Why, because you're afraid they'll molest the boys. Newsflash, homosexuality =/= pedophilia. One of my brother's Boy Scout leaders was a woman whose son was also a Boy Scout. By your logic, she should have been kicked out as well, because she could have seduced one of the boys.
/and i damn sure don't want you teaching my kid.../
I'd rather have a decent, intelligent homosexual teach my child than an ignorant, hateful bigot like you any day. Sexuality has no bearing on a teacher's ability to do the job well. Besides, what about Mary Kay Letourneau?
/if you want to be a pervert then do it alone../
Tell that to Paris Hilton and Hugh Hefner.
/stay out of the church too/
I'd be surprised to find them there at all, given that religious leaders tend to hate them so much.
/GOD doesn't want you/
Yet God created them. Why would he create them if he didn't want them?
/and his greatest gift to you was aids..../
I'm sure the hundreds of African mothers and children who are suffering from AIDS would be thrilled to know that they're secretly gay and that God is punishing them for it. Moron.