the problem with gay rape is that the rapee ie the man who has just been raped is too ashamed to admit it and may even deny it-it's documented.
gays should just be locked away as the potential rapists that they are, the same way paedophiles who've served their time should be locked away as the continuing menace to society that they are
By that logic we should lock up all men because many women are raped by men and are too ashamed to admit it.
And then there are women, usually in prison settings, who rape other women, so we should probably lock all women up too.
Now what?
"the potential rapists that they are,"
You should probably lock me up too, in case I'm about to rape any little girls.
You never know. And the less you know..
You know what they say, if you lock up rapists, only rapists will have locks.
Do you *want* to have murderers just walking into your home, possibly murdering or stealing from you? DO YOU?!
the problem with gay rape is that the rapee ie the man woman who has just been raped is too ashamed to admit it and may even deny it-it's documented.
gays men should just be locked away as the potential rapists that they are, the same way paedophiles who've served their time should be locked away as the continuing menace to society that they are
Fixed that for you.
Is it wrong to hate these kind of people and wish lots of harm on them?
Do gay men rape people more than straight men do? Don't think so.
By your logic, we should just terminate all men, leaving only wom-- oh, no, wait, lesbians rape each others a helluva lot, too.
The year is 1947, George Orwell sits down at his writer's desk to begin his day's work. Quick as a flash, inspiration hits him and he begins to type,
"The party then decided to arrest all 'potential rapists' and detain them indefinitely without trial. Of course, the duty of deciding just who these 'potential rapists' were fell at the feet of the party themselves. Those who refused to fulfill their 'duty to the party' with an assigned female companion were immediately labelled 'potential rapists' and locked up."
Orwell, sits back and reads through the passage he just wrote. In a burst of rage he tears the paper from the type writer, balls it up and throws it in his waste paper basket. He lights up a cigarette and says to himself, 'That was just TOO far fetched. Nobody would ever be dumb enough to fall for a trick like THAT.'
I agree with Osiris.
Should we also lock up animals who do it, too? Rape is known in the animal kingdom.
Should we also lockup ever dog that humps our legs? He's raping our legs, you know...
Right, and let's lock up all the men in the world as the potential rapists they are. Oh, and since women can also be pedophiles and rapists, you'd better lock all of us up to. And the children... they might grow up to become rapists or pedophiles... lock 'em up too.
Everyone could potentially rape someone. Men can rape women, men can rape men, women can rape women, and yes, women can rape men. So by your logic...we might as well lock the whole world up.
Straight men raped by gay men, even more unusually unwilling to go to the police due to shame? Yeah, okay, right so far. People raped by some one are usually unwilling to go to the police and usually feel shame. Especially so in countries with a stigma against rape victims, a situation where one person is raped by a person outside their sexuality causes shame and worry they some how wanted it or liked it, or in the opposite direction of traditional power roles.
Lock up all gay men because... wait, what? Gay men are no more likely to rape than straight men. There is no gay rape epidemic to the point we need to lock up anyone identifying as homosexual. And even then that wouldn't stop it. Rape isn't about sex, it's about power. Straight men have raped men before.
As a gay man, I take great offense to this. I have never, and would never, rape anyone. I'm a horny little freaky shit, but I know how to control myself and have respect for other human beings.
Maybe you should learn some respect as well.
Good grief, by your theory every man, woman, and child is a potential rape victim, or rapist! What a stupid idea!
The problem as I see it, in every case of "gay" rape that I've ever heard of, is that the perpetrators are straight. Rape is about power and control over another person, sexuality doesn't even come into it.
In fact, if we're locking up potential rapists, you, Exarch, would be at the top of my list. Your attitude smacks of crazed, evangelistic, "teach those filthy faggots a lesson" rhetoric.
"By that logic we should lock up all men because many women are raped by men and are too ashamed to admit it.
And then there are women, usually in prison settings, who rape other women, so we should probably lock all women up too.
Now what?"
Massive prison-sex orgies, duh!
the problem with hetero male rape on women is that the rapee ie the woman who has just been raped is too ashamed to admit it and may even deny it-it's documented.
heteros should just be locked away as the potential rapists that they are, the same way paedophiles who've served their time should be locked away as the continuing menace to society that they are
So should everybody be in prison?
male/male rape going unreported is a problem, the solution is to de-stigmatize gay sex so men won't be so ashamed.
Homosexuals are no more likely to rape then heterosexuals.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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