How Christian is J K Rowling’s “Christian Inspiration” for the series of Harry Potter books?
Not very. She was inspired by the devil to write these books to bring her out of poverty in which she has. She has made a pact with the devil and will pay a awful price for her sins of turning millions toward witchcraft and the occult. No Christian should read, or even think about reading these books if your walking in the spirit.
"No Christian should read, or even think about reading these books if your walking in the spirit."
Agreement failure, your/you're failure! Seriously, when a foreigner makes fun of your English, you should learn!
"No Christian should read, or even think about reading these books if your walking in the spirit."
Because our faith is so weak it can be broken by children's books.
My sister encouraged her kids to read Harry Potter at a very young age because she thought the books did a better job of teaching right from wrong than the bible ever could. And guess what, neither of them are practicing occultists. They're a nice moderate Episcopalian family. She keeps her kids out of trouble, by setting a good example, and by keeping them busy with their school and sports activities, not by restricting their reading material to the bible, and bible-related materials.
" No Christian should read, or even think about reading these books if your walking in the spirit."
How about if you're flying on a broom?
No, you've named the wrong religion. Christians are allowed to read and think. It is the strange followers of the fundamentalist religious cults who are not allowed to read and think, and a damn good job they make of it too.
I recommend that fundamental cultists desert their barbaric religions and convert to Christianity. It'll bring them one step closer to humanity and allow for an awareness of reality.
She never said there was Christian inspiration. But they're amazing books. I wrote a 40-page paper on displays of morality and virtue in the series. They're not Devil-inspired, she's not like "Here are spells, now sell your soul to the devil and curse people." No, they're books about realistic teenagers in the fight against evil, and the characters have real human emotions and thoughts. Plot is amazingly intricate as well, you'll not be bored.
In that case, I think I like this Satan fellow. He makes good on his promises.
Not like that worthless god. Praying to him is no more effective than talking to a brick wall. It's like he doesn't even exist!
I thhought people finally had stopped this silly talk. - If just becaue Pottermania is dieing down...
When the 7th book came out I was on one of these book-selling-at-midnight -partys (A very small one, as i am German and that was one for the orignal English version, not the translation... so only adults came to that) ... I met a pastor there who was happy he had allready finished his preach for that weekend, because he wanted to enjoy the book without work interferring... - Good to know not all christians are as crazy as Marks! (Even though going to a midnight book release party and such might be as crazy... in a different way...)
Hell, even Mein Kampf is better for morals, not because they're positive, but because they're consistent.
To be fair, Twilight books are satan."
Yeah, but they carry a blatant abstinence message, so they're okay. Trashy writing and questionable anti-feminist/ abuse messages don't matter as long as the kiddies aren't having sex.
And actually, I'd heard somewhere that the final battle between Harry and Voldemort was supposed to be like a battle between Jesus and Satan. JKR apparently found religion. It wasn't a very strong allusion though, because I never picked up on it. Of course, it wasn't like Harry wasn't a Christ figure all along.
HP is a ripoff of Star Wars anyway, so stfu"
And Star Wars is a rip off of Joseph Campbell's ideas. No offense, but it's the same hero dynamics that we've seen in myth after myth. (Star Wars probably did pull it of better though.)
She has made a pact with the devil and will pay a awful price for her sins of turning millions toward witchcraft and the occult.
I doubt the Harry Potter books have turned anyone, no matter how brain-damaged, to witchcraft and the occult. Most kids have pretty good grasp of fiction by the time they're old enough to read Harry Potter.
Why, I myself knew the Bible was bullshit the first time it was read to me as a child.
If I was in distress in the middle of nowhere, I would hope that someone like J.K.Rowling would pass by and not a fucking twat like you Marks. In fact I would rather anyone pass by than you. I'm sure my heart would sink at the sight of a known fundie approaching. Specially a hopeless specimen that belonged to a cult that is easily bested by the devil, a lame knob head if ever I saw one. You'd swear the devil was a fundie he's so lame.
"She has made a pact with the devil and will pay a awful price for her sins of turning millions toward witchcraft and the occult. "
Yeah.. witchcraft and occult FAIL.
"...walking in the spirit. "
'Cause that doesn't sound "occult" AT ALL!
Oh, and I suppose you believe that your god didn't MAGIC the universe into existence, right?
"No Christian should read, or even think about reading these books if your walking in the spirit."
As many Christians seem to have a good deal of trouble thinking, that shouldn't be too difficult.
At least those books are better written than the bible. I quit reading after the bible started the tenth sentence with "And". Seriously, that's just bad writing. You don't start sentences with "And", especially not ten in a row.
You know, I read all of the books several times, and have seen all of the movies so far at least twice. I have not, and have no intention to, turn to witchcraft or the occult.
"She was inspired by the devil to write these books to bring her out of poverty in which she has."
*sigh* ... somebody becomes a bestselling author of a book you don't like, and it was the Devil's trickery.
Of course, if this same person had become a bestselling author of a book you DID like, her success would've been God's Reward for the Faithful, right?
"if your walking in the spirit" shouldn't you be able to handle anything? Aren't you impervious to the evil when you're one with Jesus?
It's like a light breeze could knock you out.
I've never been scared of what Christianity says, some of it (Christ's supposed words) are profound poetry. I can read them, quote many, and give a shit about them being anything but fiction.
"if your walking in the spirit" shouldn't you be able to handle anything? Aren't you impervious to the evil when you're one with Jesus?
It's like a light breeze could knock you out.
I've never been scared of what Christianity says, some of it (Christ's supposed words) are profound poetry. I can read them, quote many, and give a shit about them being anything but fiction.
Yes, cause we can't have books about the fight between good and evil, between traditional values like caring for your family and friends, and nihilistic death cults.
What's so bad about working to bring you out of poverty? Yes, writing is also work. Ask anyone who has written a paper during their university studies. Oh, you never got that far, did you?
If my what is walking in the spirit? You must have skipped a word there... And the spirit of what?
There is definitely a messianic overtone in the books, but there are plenty of other influences as well.
Just because you can't write a shopping list, let alone a coherent, grammatically sound post, doesn't mean someone who can pen a great story was inspired by Satan. Go back to reading your boring babble.
No Christian should read, or even think about reading these books if your walking in the spirit.
And yet so very, very many of you holier-than-thou fundies spend more time thinking, whining, and bitching about Harry Potter, gay sex, and godless muslim presidents than you do worshiping your "god".
What are you doing in this very post? Showing "god's" love? Telling the heathen masses about the "joys" of christ? Showing some christian charity? No, none of the above, you're bitching about Harry Potter and presuming that christians beside yourself can't deal with simple fiction and must depend on you to tell them what they can or cannot read.
So, if J K Rowling was inspired by the Christian religion's antagonist (aka teh debbil) how is that NOT "Christian Inspiration"? Kinda has to be related to the Christian religion for her to have made a "pact with the devil" since Satan is part of your pantheon, its not like she "made a pact" with Heimdal, right?
Read the fucking books before yuo make your judgement!!
It is CRAWLING with Christian ideas and inspiration.
The Deathly Hallows for one!
"She was inspired by the devil to write these books"
Aaaand... what inspired the Bible? Oh yeah, that's right - Bronze Age goatfuckers having ideas above their stations.
"She has made a pact with the devil and will pay a awful price for her sins of turning millions toward witchcraft and the occult"
PROTIP: Chick Tracts are like Harry Potter: FICTION.
"No Christian should read, or even think about reading these books"
So? That's no skin off Ms. Rowling's, Bloomsbury's or Warner Bros' noses. They're laughing all the way to the bank. And rightly so.
I find that is much more possible that the bible was inspired by your devil, than her books.
After all, her books haven't make people kill each others, differently from your bible.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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