Quath and anyone else' you cannot prove evolution. Evolution does not have a mind. Evolution cannot say' well I think I will make a monkey today' or a fish. Evolution can't do this' even over a length of time. Evolution does not have a mind. If a person can't look around and see God everywhere and in all things' something is wrong with that person.
"If a person can't look around and see God everywhere and in all things' something is wrong with that person."
A great many mental health professionals would say the opposite.
Gravity doesn't have a mind so I suppose that means I can fly because gravity doesn't tell me not too.
OK, first of all, I wasn't aware the wandering question mark had a sidekick, the wandering apostrophe. Second, no, evolution doesn't have a mind. Your point? Third, if a person can look around and see a talking sky wizard in everything he sees, that person may be suffering from severe schizophrenia and should be institutionalized for the good of his family.
"If a person can't look around and see God everywhere and in all things' something is wrong with that person."
Yes, it's called an edumacation.
Evolution does not have a mind, and hence evolution can't plan ahead, or work out the design beforehand. So I guess anything built by nearsighted ol' evolution should be full of all sorts of jury-rigged, make-do, compromises, left-over bits of previous designs, and recycled structures pressed into various unusual services.
Guess what...
That's the beauty of Evolution. It moves through time with no set goal, it simply rolls with the punches and is a reaction to environmental pressures.
I can see beauty everywhere. I can see awesome and magnificent and amazing things in nature. I do all the time. I can recognize beauty in some of the oddest things. But I don't believe in God nor that a god created it all. Something is wrong with me.
Quath and anyone else' you cannot prove evolution.
I suppose the corn cereal you had this morning has nothing to do with evolution? Especially now that corn is entirely dependent on humans? Or what about the milk on your cereal? You do realize, of course, that cattle are much larger than when your grandparents were your age, right?
volution does not have a mind. Evolution cannot say' well I think I will make a monkey today' or a fish. Evolution can't do this' even over a length of time.
How is this a refutation of the principles behind evolution?
Evolution does not have a mind.
Duh. It's the how, not the why, that matters.
If a person can't look around and see God everywhere and in all things' something is wrong with that person.
Really? I tend to think that people who walk around and see things have something wrong with them , called psychosis . Which reminds me - have you had your meds today, Lewis?
"If you don't see it my way and can't disprove my unproven point, even I have NO PROOF (and cannot prove my point), then something must be wrong with YOU!" Wonderful comeback there, Lew!
Non cogito ergo non sum.
Brilliant. Thing is, if it applies to evolution, it also applies to yourself and that book you like, neither of which has a mind.
“Quath and anyone else' you cannot prove evolution.”
Technically true, but probably not for any reason you’re thinking. Nothing in science is ever proven beyond falsifiability.
“Evolution does not have a mind.”
Neither does gravity, light, continental drift, DNA. So what?
“Evolution cannot say' well I think I will make a monkey today' or a fish.”
Also true. WAAAAAAAAAY true. That would not be evolution.
“Evolution can't do this' even over a length of time.”
Can’t do what? Make a monkey? Already done it.
“Evolution does not have a mind.”
You said that already. It’s a weird point to make, much less repeat.
“If a person can't look around and see God everywhere and in all things' something is wrong with that person.”
There are people who see god everywhere AND accept the evidence for evolution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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