People who don't beleive in Jesus have no morals. Terrorists don't have morals either. We can logically draw the conclusion that Atheism was started by them.
Baptists believe women should cover up. Muslims believe women should cover up. We can logically draw the conclusion that Christianity was started by Muslims.
Oh, wait, my two assumptions are actually true. I can't use that to poke fun at the OP.
yes, we all know that simply believing in something means that suddenly morality exists. It's why there are atheists killing doctors and blowing up abortion clinics...
wait, that was a voice in the back of my head. What's that? It was Christians who do those things?!? I don't believe that for a second. They are the moral ones, because after all believing in Jesus automatically makes you moral while everyone else is immoral scum. What's that? Muslims believe in Jesus too? Then why do they fly planes into towers or blow up buses? Voice of reason, you make no sense whatsoever...
terrorism started by atheists, eh? Hmmm... that's a new one on me. Don't tell the militant Islamofascists that... or the rabid born againers like John Hagee that want to wipe Iran off the map... or your omnipotent gawd that will condemn those that don't agree with him to hell... he's such a child for throwing a temper tantrum like that!
The Inquisition was started by Christians. Shatter the Lens is a Christian, therefore, logically, his forefathers led the Inquisition and killed lots of people.
Works (or doesn't) both ways.
So, 2/3 of the population have no morals?, those who committed suicide to kill 2000 people were atheists?, how has humankind been able to survive?
What about al Qaeda, Hamas, Army of God, Christian Identity, IRA, ETA, Hezbullah. 2 of those are Christian based, the others are Muslim. And all believed in Jesus (Islam has him as a prophet but not as saviour)
The last item in Shatter the Lens' first post gives the Poe away:
"10. I prayed to not be sick, and my cold got better in just 2 weeks! God is listening!!!"
Without that, it would be really hard to tell the difference, the rest of the items sound like "arguments" I've seen used.
"People who don't beleive in Jesus have no morals."
And you are just a bastion of peace, tolerance and understanding, aren't you?
"Terrorists don't have morals either."
Yeah, those terrorists bombing the abortion clinics are simp- wait, what? That's not what you meant?
"We can logically draw the conclusion that Atheism was started by them."
Bearing in mind most terrorism finds it's roots in religious foundations, your argument falls flat on it's face.
All atheists are immoral.
All terrorists are immoral.
Therefore all terrorists are atheists.
So does that mean all atheists are terrorists as well?
And atheists actually DO have morals, we just don't need God to tell us what to do.
This has so much fail it's ridiculous.
Let's use this "logic" in an interesting way.
God killed people so they would be afraid of him and change their ways. Terrorists kill people so they would be afraid of them and change their ways. GOD IS A TERRORIST!
I'll be the 4th person in here to say that he's a Poe.
On page 2 he says, "I think at least one person took me seriously though cause I got -1'd after making this thread. Lol."
Hang on, atheism was started by terrorists or terrorism was started by atheists? I'm not entirely sure which "them" you're trying to damn here. But yeah, I guess if you asked all the 911 conspirators and took a survey of people in custody at Gitmo they'd all avow to being atheist right? Sorry, wrong.
People who don't beleive in Jesus have no morals
Obvious lie.
Terrorists don't have morals either
Massive oversimplification.
We can logically draw the conclusion that Atheism was started by them.
What. Just, what?
Most terrorists have a religious conviction that what they are doing is the Right Thing To Do. Terrorists do have morals, just not the same as tolerant and empathic people have.
Atheism is a lack of belief in gods and a realization that this life is probably all we will have. That's hardly grounds to kill others; why deny them the right to enjoy their lives as long as possible?
Even if this guy is a Poe, there are many people out there who think just like this.
Terrorists are usually Christian or Muslim fundies. Your argument is invalid.
By the way, you are in no position to talk about morality. Your entire religion is based on the philosophy of "might makes right".
Atheists have more morals than Christians.
“People who don't beleive in Jesus have no morals”
And you can prove this by…? I mean, i have been an atheist for over 40 years, married for 37 years, and cheatd on my wife a total of zero times.
"Terrorists don't have morals either”
OR, they have morals from a system that allows and encourages them to kill certain people.
“We can logically draw the conclusion that Atheism was started by them.”
Show your math. What are the steps?
Atheists have a trait (you say with no evidence)
Terrorists have the same trait (said on the basis of nothing)
Terrorists therefore gave this trait to atheism (grossly mixing the order of existence in history).
False equivalence, hasty generalization, for frivolous hate speech. Like Jesus said, you will know them by their fruits. This is not Jesus-fruit, for sure. It also suggests extreme ignorance, compatible with blind ultrafundamentalism. If it's a Poe, it parodies existing nonsense...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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