Fellow evolutionists I have something to tell you!!!...?
This morning I was taking a walk out side... than ALL OF THE SUDDEN A bunch of wood fell from the sky, and eventually, they fell exactly into the shape of a rocking chair!!! Then I sat down on it and was chillin for a while.. Cool huh?
I remember answering this question. In fact, I got best answer. Not that I'm bragging or anything, especially since my answer was fucking stupid but, then so was the question. Thanks for the 10 points, dumbass!
Fellow evolutionists I have something to tell you!!!...?
Oh? And that is...?
This morning I was taking a walk out side... than ALL OF THE SUDDEN A bunch of wood fell from the sky,
Let me guess... was there a branch above you?
and eventually, they fell exactly into the shape of a rocking chair!!!
Lying for Jesus.
Then I sat down on it and was chillin for a while.. Cool huh?
Please be poe...
Well you have no "fellow" evolutionists. You are the very first, and only evolutionists. If indeed you are one at all.
Indeed there are no evolutionists at all.
And if a pile of wood fell from the sky and fell into the shape of a rocking chair, you realy ought to present it on a more respected forum then yahoo answers.
That's nothing. Last week I was walking down the street and a pile of scrap metal fell from the sky and took the exact shape of a Porsche. I hopped in, cruised town for a while, and picked up several gorgeous redheads. We got a hotel room and had an orgy...Cool huh?
Pfft. Last saturday, I went out, the night is a bit hazy, but I presume that has something to do with God, not due to the large quantities of vodka I consumed. Then magically I woke up in bed, next to this pretty girl I had been hitting on for a month. Must be God... Right? RIGHT?
Fellow Christians! I have something to tell you!
This morning on my way to work, I saw two men kissing in the street. And before my very eyes, they grew horns and turned into 18 foot high flaming demons with jets of flame coming from their mouths and sulfurous smoke pouring from their nostrils! Then they charged down the street burning people to cinders and eating their souls. Cool huh?
You fail at sarcasm.
And life.
Hey, I have something to tell you!!!...?
This morning I was standing in front of you... than ALL OF THE SUDDEN A bunch of electrical impulses caused my hand to move, and eventually, they caused my hand to form exactly the shape of a fist!!! Then it pulled backwards and gave you two black fucking eyes and a bloody nose for being so stupid.. Cool huh?
I know you're just being sarcastic, but don't think for a moment that just because something is improbable, it means that it is completely impossible. Probability is an extremely interesting branch of mathematics. Have a read of it when you can.
“Fellow evolutionists”
Only creationists refer to ‘people who accept the science that includes the evolutionary theory’ as ‘evolutionists.’
You START at ‘fail.’ Fail to even pretend to be rational, fail to communicate, fail to show any understanding of what you’re trying to mock.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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