This is approaching the insane. I thought black holes had gravity so intense not even light could escape. I guess this is the consequence of employing a mathematical model that is not observed or confirmed.
Has anyone even seen Donald Scott's presentation to NASA Goddard's astrophysicists in 2009 regarding the "electric sky"?. Has anyone even heard of Halton Arp's work essentially proving that red shift is a function of age, not distance. Good bye Big Bang. Nobel prize winners Alfvens and Langmuir have shown beyond doubt that Biirkeland's findings were right on the money. Any cosmologist that is not fluent in the terms of plasma physics (i.e. "Z Pinch") has no chance of properly interpreting the newest radio telescope data.
Neutron stars either were born at the time of the big bang or accreted. How did the 1st 2 neutrons accrete??? They didn't.
It pains me to say that even Einstein had great doubts about relativity. "Spooky action at a distance" troubled him to his grave.
What this showed was the speed of light was not Vmax. This invalidates the theory of relativity. So 2 generations of astrophysicists and cosmologists have followed a brilliant man down the wrong road. They failed to address his concerns. In 1921 Tesla stated relativity was like a "beggar in a purple robe". Even Einstein was concerned that relativity required the absence of the "ether" proposed by Tesla. He said he "knew it must be there". Today it is known as plasma.
Anthony Peratt's work at Los Alamos in plasma physics will win the Nobel prize, Showing spiral galaxy formation with plasma physics experiments was groundbreaking. That the necessary velocities were present obviated the need for black holes or dark matter. Similar results were obtained to invalidate the concept of neutron stars. All that is needed to interpret the newest radio telescope data is a knowledge of plasma physics.
The electromagnetic forces that formed the universe are now being properly addressed.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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