...that which purports to be Peer Reviewed science, but isn't. Homeopathy. (un)'Intelligent Design' (a.k.a. Biblical Creationism by Stealth) are two prime examples that have been debunked.
'if science gets up to the point to where it try's and defies God'?! I refer you to the Smallpox Eradication Program from 1950-80.
Smallpox. A bigger killer than that old Biblical favourite, Leprosy (easily curable these days). The last person to die from Smallpox was in 1977.
The program was so successful, the disease was isolated to such an extent that it now exists only in culture flasks in a number of labs around the world; with debate in the scientific community to this day about what should be done with such: keep said cultures for future virological research (as to curing other viruses, based on knowledge of Smallpox), or destroy said cultures.
Yes, that's right, nightmare; the ultimate of what your screename has come to pass: Science has defied your so-called omnipotent 'God' - his 'creation' Smallpox - to the extent that scientists now have it in their power to make a species of virus extinct.
The only thing(s) 'pseudo-' are your thinking that your 'beliefs' have any credibility here on Planet Reality, and the notion of anything 'Supernatural' - certainly 'Deities' - - defies Rationality, as in the likes of you are uttely insane.
'A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything.'
-Friedrich Nietzsche
And boy, do you loony-tunes fundies just keep on proving it.
Like I say, the Smallpox Eradication Program:
Science - 1. God - 0.
Just one two-letter word completely annihilates you, your 'argument', and your so-called 'Beliefs' you base such on: 'If.' [/Spartan Laconic Wit]