Good and Godly Velma #fundie

It should be obvious to any homosexual who bothers to lift his or her face out of whatever sweaty crack it's typically buried in that God HATES gayo lust. Why do you think so many sodomites get the aids and die from it? Those who live have to use tens of thousands of dollars worth of drugs that taxpayers like me pay for to survive. You STILL have diarrhea that you splatter all over public toilets in an effort to spread your deadly viruses everywhere. Aids victims still go to the gay bars, the bath houses and the dirty book stores looking for younger and younger sex partners to defile. Gayo men love sex in public. They leave messes wherever they can...diseased body fluids, used condoms that have either slipped off during the act or have been thrown away in the heat of perverted passion, butt plugs that have popped out, streams of urine and piles of feces, even drops of blood thats spill from violated sphincters.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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