dlo_3us2001 #fundie groups.yahoo.com
(Commenting on an article posted entitled "CA Governor Jerry Brown Tried To Build A Liberal Paradise, But Now Residents Are Awakening To A HARSH Reality" - http://www.dcstatesman.com/ca-governor-jerry-brown-tried-build-liberal-paradise-now-residents-awaking-harsh-reality/)
People are leaving [California] BECAUSE:
Liberals are planning to secede from the USA. NO THANKS. I want to keep my USA citizenship.
Liberals are planning to go with Single Payer Health Plan, which will cost those over 65 double for their federal health through Medicare AND for the Single Payer Health Plan that every person will have to pay in CA. NO THANKS.
Liberals are planning to force Californians to buy solar for every house or business they own. NO THANKS.
Liberals are planning to STEAL your money anyway they can, through higher DMV's tags, taxes, higher gas prices, higher minimum wages which increases the price of burgers, pizza, dinners out, merchandise at the malls and stores.
We can't afford to keep giving our money away....so the baby boomers are bailing out.
So are some of the younger parents too. A young couple on YOUTUBE moved to BEND OREGON. They said they didn't want to raise their childreb [sic] in California.