What color? Pink?
Pink is not a color: it doesn’t exist on the color spectrum.
Says it all about feminism, doesn’t it?
Pink is a reflective color, not a transmissive color.
Interestly, brown also does not appear in the spectrum of light waves, but, just like pink, we can see the color brown, which is how we know that Rebel is full of $#!+.
"Pink is not a color: it doesn’t exist on the color spectrum."
If that were true, we wouldn't be able to see it.
True, pink's not traditionally named in the spectrum of visible light but that doesn't mean it's not a colour.
Incidentally, we have seven named colours in the visible spectrum because Isaac Newton thought the number seven had religious-mystical connotations and that there was a connection between the colours, the musical notes, the known objects in the solar system, and the days of the week. So he included indigo separately when it's actually just a dark shade of blue. Which is all a bit fundie in itself, redefing reality to fit in with your existing beliefs...
"Pink is not a color: it doesn’t exist on the color spectrum.
Says it all about feminism, doesn’t it?"
Well, that spectrum thing is true (I'm trying to remember off the top of my head, but I think its something like perceiving pink in the complete absence of green light or something) (Somebody more dedicated than I could find out and tell me how badly I remembered that). But I think that Rebel is missing something else here.
Once upon a time, pink was not seen as the feminine color. Pink is a tint of red (tint as in white+hue), and red is apparently manly as fuck. Blue was seen as softer and more feminine color. Eventually, it flip-flopped and pink became girly and blue manly.
So, hey, maybe the light spectrum isn't a judge of anything whatsoever, Rebel.
Fun historical fact: Until about a century ago, pink was more associated with boys than with girls. Historians are still not 100% sure why or how it made the switch in gender identity, but that's the reality we live in. The question is, what does that say about feminism?
Perhaps that pink knows something that the rest of us don't and that it wanted to switch to the winning side?
Joke time!
These two Jews were arguing, so the Rabbi was called to settle the argument. "Black is a color!" says the first guy. "No, black is no color!" says the other. They ask Rabbi what he thinks and he says "Nu, we can see blackness, so black must be a color." Not long after, the two Jews are arguing again. "White is a color!" says the first guy. "No, white is no color!" says the other. They ask Rabbi what he thinks and he says "Nu, we can see whiteness, so white must be a color." Then the first guy says to the other "You see? I did sell you a color TV after all!"
There's no single wavelength of light that we perceive as "pink", if that's what he means by "doesn’t exist on the color spectrum". The same is true for olive, brown and maroon. But those of us who speak English still call those "colors".
BTW, pink has only been associated with girls since World War II. In the 1920's, pink was touted as a color for boys . In old religious paintings, the Virgin Mary was usually shown dressed in blue - the symbol for virginity.
Colours that fall outside of pure spectrum (that is, light consisting of primarily one distinct wavelength) are formed as a result of mixture of lights of different wavelengths and intensities. Eyes and your brains, as well as (say) digital cameras can see different colours because they are able to isolate the intensities of lights of specific wavelengths and process that information into a perception (or measurement) of a colour. The individual cone cells in retinas are sensitive to low/medium/high frequency light, while cameras (for comparison) isolate specific intensities of red, green and blue through filters in front of individual image sensor elements.
...wait, where the fuck am I? Oh, in FSTDT. Someone needed an elementary school science bomb. Dammit.
What's with this weirdo?
If he's denying the color pink's existence due to it's association with the feminine, what would be his reaction to the fact that, before the 20th Century, pink was a BOY'S COLOR?!
Says it all about feminism
You do realize that the manly man uniform worn by US Army officers in the WWII era was called "Pinks and Greens", don't you?
Guess why: the pants were pink.
Wanna go tell Patton he was gay?
Pink isn't the Colour Out Of Space; it's some mixture of visible EM radiation.
Then again, these guys probably believe women are some sort of alien infestation that somehow bring more hue-men into the world. (Shades of "The Screwfly Solution".)
Okay... and an ice cube isn't water, and your statement is a rational thought.
In art class, we would identify pink as a tint of red... as opposed to maroon, which is a shade of red, unless Bugs Bunny says it, then it's you!
From what I remember of a book I read aimed at toddlers, there are colours and there are tints. Black and white are tints. Red, blue, and yellow are primary colours, and every permutation of a primary colour via tinting and/or mixing with other colours is a colour.
That you're trying to make some vague assertion with an indecipherable comparison is stupid. That the comparison is a butchery of something a toddler would know is kind of amusing but mostly sad.
What color spectrum would that be? I have no problems getting pink in either RGB or CMYK (or LAB) in either Photoshop, Illustrator, or InDesign.
I'd say the problem is your perception. Besides, pink is the color being used by the Cancer Society for breast cancer awareness. I can't think of any instances where the color is being used by feminists.
Maybe it's you morons at the Spearhead.
Pink is a secondary color, & it exists. I have on a pink t shirt right now.
Maybe I should change my name to The Pink Ghost; it seems to bother these turdwagons a lot.
How DARE you reference the rainbow, a well-known gay symbol, in your little spew about feminism. You must be one of those horrid, disgusting gay people, huh?
"Pink is not a color: it doesn’t exist on the color spectrum."
I love the colours of annihilated arguments in the morning. Looks like... fabulous .
And I speak as a man who possesses two pink shirts. And I'm straight . The lady in my life says I look great in them.
See, 'Rebel'? One can wear pink, and still get laid by a member of the opposite sex.
[/hyper -secure in my gender] [/hyper-smug & ultra-superior]
Um, Pink is nothing to do with feminism or girls... or anything.
It's a fucking color that people attach meaning to after it exists.
"Says it all about feminism, doesn’t it?"
Yea,in the eyes of a simple-minded fundie like yourself
"Supporting cancer research is a noble goal, and a lot of good can come out of it, but why, oh why, is one group of victims supreme?"
Because Spartan women give birth to Spartan men.
Pink and red are, in fact, the exact same hue - the same "color". They only differ in saturation (how exclusive it is of other colors). If ALL you have is red, you get red. If all the colors are present but red is just a bit stronger than the rest of them, you get pink.
In nature, you almost never get pure red. There's always *some* bit of the other colors there too and red is just the highest spike on the spectrum among them. In other words, almost all the time when we think we're seeing red we're actually seeing dark pink.
Pink is MORE prevalent than red. It's just that we only label it "pink" when it's really washed out. To get pure red with no pastel effect you need something like a laser beam.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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