About the kissing issue... I don't think I will till I'm engaged or at least planning on getting engaged. I think it is so sad how many girls throw their life away. Plus, it starts with kissing, and often they do more and more... until....
"Plus, it starts with kissing, and often they do more an more....until...."
Until you have a 3 kids, work 65 hrs a week, have a 6 figure morgage, live a life of quiet desperation and quietly pray for death. Yeah, kissing is bad.
If a girl kisses a boy, she's thrown her life away?
"Plus, it starts with kissing, and often they do more and more... until...."
Or maybe that's just what YOU would do, sweety, since you're the most sexually repressed wannabe whore I've ever seen.
Plus, it starts with kissing, and often they do more and more... until....
It starts with kissing, it ends with rubbery legs and an indescribable explosion of pleasure. Try it :) It's fun. Find someone nice and play safe :)
About that shaking hands issue...I don't think I will until I'm engaged or at least planning on getting engaged. I think it is so sad how many girls throw their life away. Plus, it starts with shaking hands, then high-5s, then hugs, then holding hands...then pretty soon, they're fucking!
"I don't think I will till I'm engaged or at least planning on getting engaged"....or thinking about planning on getting engaged...or at least perhaps maybe there might be the remotest possibility that thinking about an engagement might be in the works at some future time as yet unknown....
Just kiss the guy. Get over yourself.
oh, goodness. kissing, hand-holding, eye babies.... ALL OF YOU PROMISCUOUS GIRLS WILL FOREVER BURN IN HELL FOR YOUR SINS.
(ever notice how it's always GIRLS who get in trouble for premarital sex/making out/kissing/hand-holding/talking to boys, but never the guys who get in trouble for it?)
more and more... until... *4-given lapses into a blushing, sensuous fantasy*
@Saros: When I think about it, yeah. It's pretty unhygienic and seems rather impractical. That doesn't prevent it from being awesome.
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