The banana the atheist's nightmare
Note that the banana:
1. Is shaped for human hand
2. Has non-slip surface
3. Has outward indicators of inward contents: Green too early, Yellow just right, Black too late.
4. Has a tab for removal of wrapper
5. Is perforated on wrapper
6. Bio-degradable wrapper
7. Is shaped for human mouth
8. Has a point at top for ease of entry
9. Is pleasing to taste buds
10. Is curved towards the face to make the eating process easy
So it's easy to see that the banana is the perfect fruit and could only be brought into being by a perfect designer.
I suppose they didn't go over that in your fancy evolution class.
In addition, the banana...
1. Is perfectly shaped to fit the human hand.
2. Has a point at its top for ease of entry.
3. Is curved towards the vagina to make the penetration process easy.
4. Has a tab at the bottom to hold and control the motion of the banana when completely inserted.
5. Just like the human penis, it is perfectly shaped for the human vagina.
6. If held so that its curve is pointed upward after insertion, it hits the G-Spot perfectly!
7. Has a soft wrapper so that the delicate lining of the vagina isn't scraped.
8. Has a non-slip surface so that you won't lose control of the device while enjoying the ride. (Women, how much do you like it when your man's penis keeps slipping out?)
9. Has outward indicators of inward content. Green bananas are the hardest, which women seem to prefer, and are required to attain the best penetration. Yellow lets you know that it's getting softer and may not be useful for much longer. Black lets you know that it's a far too late to be put in your vagina. (How many women want a limp, mushy penis anyway?) Keep in mind that these color codes also indicate if the banana is suitable for eating. Just like a vigorous weight training workout, overuse of the banana for sexual gratification will deplete the body of energy, as well as cause muscle cramps. Ever get a leg (or other body part) cramp during or after sex? You sweat, lose body fluids, and get dehydrated. Ask anyone with knowledge of human physiology and nutrition and you'll learn quickly that the banana is the perfect recovery food!
10. Has a protective covering to prevent vaginal matter (or fecal matter, in the case of god's homosexual children) from spoiling the fruit inside.
11. Has a tab at the bottom to facilitate removal of its wrapper.
12. Is perforated on its wrapper for easy peeling.
13. Has a bio-degradable wrapper for post-coital disposal.
14. Is pleasing to taste buds as well as the vagina.
15. Has a high potassium content, which quickly alleviates muscle cramps.
16. Has a high caloric and carbohydrate content to refuel the body after sexual exertion.
Big Chicken Dinner you fail so hard that you will never win again, ever.