A 12 yr old is a woman if she is menstruating. Women often have sex before they are married. You people have been so indoctrinated by womans libb that you can't even see it.
So you re saying that when a female starts to menstruate, she is automatically a woman?
Wrong - she's just a menstruating 12 y/o, she is still a child, you sick fuck.
A 12 year old body NOT ready to carry a baby for 9 months and give birth.
20 year old women are sometimes even known to have permanent trauma and/or prolapses during childbirth, never mind a fucking 12 year old.
Physical maturity=/=Mental maturity.
Just because someone hit puberty doesn't mean they are a adult. Just because someone is 30 years old doesn't mean that they have mental maturity. Stormfronters prove this
Which means that a 12 year old isn't ready to take care of a child. It takes wisdom and morals to teach a child, which is something even people that are in college haven't fully developed yet.
"Women often have sex before they are married"
I don't see what that has to do with you fiddling 12 year olds since that logic is not a justification of your actions.
And to borrow from Klingon tradition, anyone with XX chromosomes who can hold a blade is a woman.
Lorena Bobbitt. Just throwing that one out there. As she did, out of her car window. >:D
Oh, and thank you...:
...for admitting that all Nazis are paedophiles, therefore you are inferior subhumans, like your precious Fuhrer.
A woman is an adult female, a girl is a non-adult female. Adult is age of acountability (usually around 18-20). In Sweden, children under the age of 15 (regardless of gender) are no-no to have sex with for older people.
Men often have sex before they are married too.
You have been so indoctrinated by Nazism that you can't see reality any more.
Why are Male Supremacists, frums and Male Supremacist frums always OBSESSED with underage girls?!
And A TWELVE-YEAR-OLD?! That's not even a teenager! That's a LITTLE KID!
Even if said little kid in question is overdeveloped and looks like an unusually voluptuous 14-year-old, it's still a child!
Even if it was an unusually voluptuous 14 year old, it's still a boatload of WRONG!
Does being a frum or a male chauvinist pig automatically turn you into a pederast?
You relentlessly pressuring 6th graders who are just starting to figure out fractions into acts they do not emotionally or intellectually understand yet is not justified by you occasionally succeeding.
Also I fail to see how the provision of medical information that shows the severe risks of sex at young ages is "indoctrination" while you consider constant peer pressure, stigma, cultural jingoisms, and even looming threats a requirement of maintaining social norms that are rigidly defined and drilled into your head. Social norms that are strictly enforced and given intangible metaphysical importance to your daily life that shouldn't be questioned.
Oh never mind. The capacity for rational thought is just a secret plot to destroy the world after all, and thinking about that rationally is only letting the enemy (everybody in the world, evidently) win. Just keep your hands and your fucking Kool-Aid to yourself and nobody needs to get hurt. Unless of course you've already gone ahead and taken some poor kid's innocence in which case it's off to get shived by convicts who will use
your ass as currency.
At first I thought this person was an paedophilic piece of shit. Then I noticed he was from Stormfront; and realized he was a paedophilic NAZI piece of shit.
Just how much more of an asshole can you be than that?
Are there any other species reproducing via sexual reproduction that does not start reproducing when reaching sexual maturity?
Remember humans are animals. And something as important as reproduction is, is not left to the whim of each, it is ingrained from natures side.
Natural doesn't always mean good for us. And what is natural for other species isn't always natural for ours, either.
Humans are unusual among mammals in a few ways.
First off, we have the longest adolescence of any animal. Most mammals go from immature to capable of safely bearing offspring within months to a couple of years, and do not go into season before that transition begins. So if they do get pregnant immediately, by the time they give birth, they've matured to the equivalent of several years in humans.
Humans also have extremely difficult births compared to other live-bearing animals, and our newborns are helpless for a longer period of time. To be honest, it's rather amazing any of them survived pre-modern-medicine.
But most importantly, humans have the most developed capacity among mammals to understand the consequences of our actions, not only affecting ourselves, but also affecting others, and how that which affects others also affects ourselves. And understanding such consequences is what allows us to make moral judgements.
And I believe, personally, that if we can make moral judgements, then we are obligated to do so.
Quasirodent said:
Natural doesn't always mean good for us. And what is natural for other species isn't always natural for ours, either.
Name one other species that does not start to reproduce immediately when reaching sexual maturity.
What is "good" is always open for discussion.
Humans also have extremely difficult births compared to other live-bearing animals, and our newborns are helpless for a longer period of time. To be honest, it's rather amazing any of them survived pre-modern-medicine.
Which is why we are evolutionary wired to start reproduce as early as possible as child birth is a dangerous event.
And we all know evolution works on populations and with a 20 or 30 year generation, a complete change from natures side will take many thousands of generations. Go back 10,000 years and see how humans lived. That is still the same evolutionary level we humans are on. Modern medicine is just a little over century old so come back in another 30-40,000 years and maybe humans have evolved away from being wired from natures side toward being sexually attracted to sexually mature individuals.
Ok, let's say a 12 year gets pregnant. How much do you want to bet that the adylts in her lige will hit the roof over that fact?
We have known for centuries that a 12 year old is NOT mature enough emotionally or physically to give birth and raise a child. And that's not getting into financially. It cost a lot to take care of a baby and raise them to adulthood. Those who married you were almost always nobility or royalty where making sure there was an heir to the throne or estate was super important. Commoners usually waited till their 20s to start a family.
Evolution might "allow" a 12 year old to be "sexually mature" enough to have a child but as a species it's not in our best interest to do so. Let her be a kid.
Ok, let's say a 12 year gets pregnant. How much do you want to bet that the adylts in her lige will hit the roof over that fact?
We have known for centuries that a 12 year old is NOT mature enough emotionally or physically to give birth and raise a child. And that's not getting into financially. It cost a lot to take care of a baby and raise them to adulthood. Those who married you were almost always nobility or royalty where making sure there was an heir to the throne or estate was super important. Commoners usually waited till their 20s to start a family.
Evolution might "allow" a 12 year old to be "sexually mature" enough to have a child but as a species it's not in our best interest to do so. Let her be a kid.
@ meeh
The average age of menarche (first menstruation) was once much older than it is today. As recently as the nineteenth century, it was 15-17. It was uncommon for girls to marry before 19 even then, with around 22.5 being the average.
As Mayasmom pointed out, going back centuries, humans have not ordinarily reproduced as soon as they could. The idea that it was once common for 12 year olds to marry and start having kids is a modern myth.
The intellect that has given us evolutionary advantages includes our ability to learn and avoid those practices that pose physical danger. Even if girls had been menstruating at age 12 thousands of years ago, they would have been dying in such numbers that humans would have learned that it was better to make them wait to reproduce. You can't say on one hand that nature intends girls to reproduce so young because they've started their periods while on the other hand ignoring the fact that such early reproduction kills because their bodies aren't yet developed enough, an obvious message from nature not to do so.
Why the pedophilia apology?
Canadiest: the real Heidi, as written by Johanna Spyri, was dark, with standing black curls, a heritage from her Romansh mother. That is why she was not accepted in Frankfurt. This type, probably relict from a pre-Indo-European population, can still be seen among the Vatican's Swiss Guards. I knew a mixed-race Haitian who could easily have passed for one.
Even mid-Twentieth Century, menarche occurred on the average at fourteen. Though royal and noble families might marry off children quite young, that was for the sake of alliance. Among Hispanics, a girl was a child until her fifteenth birthday, which was, and is, celebrated as the quinceañero. In nineteenth-century France, that was also regarded as the age of puberty. In rural America of the same time, a girl was regarded as marriageable at the age of sixteen, a legacy still seen in "Sweet Sixteen" parties. Practically speaking, about half all modern teenagers begin voluntary sexual activity that year; the remainder for the most part in the first year of college.
@Demon Duck of Doom
Why are there so many fundie paedophiles?
Because they tend to be sociopaths with a stunted understanding of ethics who think that they can get away with anything if they suck up enough to the big bully in the sky?
Alternatively, it could be that child molesters/wannabe-child molesters aren't aren't especially more numerous than average among fundies, but non-fundie pedos have the common sense not to run their mouth, while fundies tend to be so used to spewing vile, offensive crap that they completely lost the filter that should prevent the content of their cesspool of a mind from dribbling out of their mouth. Verbal incontinence, basically.
They may have sex before marrying but, you know, at eighteen or so, not when they are barely mature to take their own decisions
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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