"For many years, science believed that the Earth was flat."
Not since sometime around 240 B.C.E. or so. Of course, "science" didn't exactly exist much before then so you can't fault it for not establishing the spherical nature of the Earth.
"The Bible said that the Earth is round."
Not quite. Your Babble says the Earth is "circular". Circular describes a two dimensional shape, e.g. a disc, not a sphere. Your Babble lines up quite well with the ignorance that was prevalent at the time it was written.
"Guess who was right..."
A Greek by the name of Eratosthenes.
"For many years, science said that the sun revolves around the Earth"
Do you know why they said that? Because it upheld the opinion of the Church on the subject and contradicting the Church could be quite dangerous.
"The Bible said that the Earth revolves around the Sun."
Where? Cite the verse that says that.
"Guess who was right."
A Pole by the name of Copernicus. Granted, others had hypothesized it first but he proved it.
"For many years, science said that there were only a few hundreds stars in the sky."
Which was reasonable until the science of optics was invented.
"The Bible said that there were countless stars."
I'll let you have that one since I'm pretty sure it does say some such thing somewhere.
"Guess who was right."
An Italian by the name of Galileo who contributed important improvements to the telescope.
"You say that you'll be fine."
I say I'll be so-so.
"The Bible says that every man will face God and be judged."
It also says serpents and asses speak, a flood drowned every living thing on the planet (without leaving any evidence, of course) and that a corpse got up after three days, walked around a bit and then flew off into the sky. Your Bible is less than credible.
"Guess who is right."
So far it doesn't look good for your Bible.