"( FYI... zues was disproven over two thousand years ago. He and the other gods and goddess were just fairy tales like Cinderella or Snow White.)"
Zeus was once worshipped. As was Amun-Ra. Along with a whole smorgasbord of deities in years gone by. Now ask yourself this simple question:
Why aren't they worshipped or even believed anymore?
Because people stopped believing in them. When people progressed. When the unknown world around them started to be understood. After the likes of the ancient Greeks and even early Muslims studied the sky, and the planets & stars beyond. When they plotted their movements and charted their positions. And especially when, in the Renaissance, such things as astronomy, physics, even biology and anatomy (including that of humans) was researched and studied to a greater degree. Further refined in the late 1700s-early 1800s, to the extent of the detailed studies of one Charles Darwin, who kicked off research into botany and biology,culminating in what we know today as Evolution. Further added to by the likes of Watson & Crick, who discovered the basis of all life: DNA.
So y'see, 99%Angel, although 'God' may have been at the centre of human matters, the rot started setting in with the Renaissance. Since then, he's been pushed further away from that centre. To today, where your 'God' is hanging onto the edge of that platform by his last fingernail. Ultimately, when science explains everything, he'll be plunged into the Abyss of Human Irrelevance, to join all the other deities of mythological yore. To join Zeus & co. All you fundies have left is 'God of the Gaps'. And there's not many of those left. Thus God hanging on by that last fingernail.
Gaps were made to be filled. The first one that was filled was when churches started putting up lightning conductors.