You're missing the point. Intelligent people are fundamentally better and worth much, much more than unintelligent (esp. retards, who should ALL be aborted before birth) people, and educated people are better than uneducated, ignorant people.
I agree with Joe. What the heck is wrong with the 51% of voters who put that idiot in the whitehouse twice. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and I'm an idiot.
Although Bush did not fool me even the 1st time.
Cosmos, help us all.
I don't get it. He's frighteningly militant, but kind of right.
People are born with equal potential. That doesn't mean we are all inherently equal later in life. That depends entirely on how hard we work to better ourselves.
I believe that an intelligent, educated person is in fact more ethically valuable than an unintelligent, uneducated person. I judge this value based on the capacity of intelligent people to benefit society compared to their less intelligent counterparts.
Granted, that's no excuse to go around aborting, euthenizing and gassing people. That's absurd. However to downplay the intellectual superiority of some people to others is to remove any motive to achieve.
It shits me to see the number of atheists agreeing with this twat. These fuckwits are what get us branded as extremists. Hell, half of is gathered from retarded fundies assuming we all have this type of attitude.
Intelligence and education has no strong bearing of a person's value to society.
This, I believe, is the basic Republican mindset - If you're born poor and uneducated, you stay poor, uneducated and miserable. If you're born rich and get educated, you stay rich, educated and miserable.
@Zamboro "People are born with equal potential. That doesn't mean we are all inherently equal later in life. That depends entirely on how hard we work to better ourselves."
Well, we may be all born with equal potential, but that doesn't necessarily mean we are all born with equal opportunities. For example, a poor black child in rural Alabama is probably born with less potential opportunities than a wealthy white child born in urban Colorado. Of course what they actually make of themselves depends upon them, but I think most of us would agree that the poor black child is born with several strikes against him.
"I believe that an intelligent, educated person is in fact more ethically valuable than an unintelligent, uneducated person. I judge this value based on the capacity of intelligent people to benefit society compared to their less intelligent counterparts."
But just because a person is intelligent and educated doesn't necessarily mean he / she would be ethical. He would also have a greater capacity to harm society. I've known people who are very well educated and are total pricks, while I've also known people who have barely finished high school yet are loving and caring people.
uneducated doesn't necessarily mean stupid, lack of formal education doesn't automatically mean ignorant either and some well-educated people (Michael Behe anybody?) are complete idiots.
Intelligence is important, but a lack of compassion is defiantly worse then a lack of intelligence in most cases.
Three questions:
1. How do you measure intelligence?
2. Does a person have to be intelligent to provide value to society?
3. Are all intelligent people beneficial to society?
This comment reveals that Atheist Peace may be simple-minded.
No, Atheist Peace, you are the one missing the point. It is impossible to determine if someone is mentally retarded before they are born. Incidentally, how do you rate autistic people?
Horribly run-on sentence, conversational commentary in brackets, skewed language, terribly judgemental and ignorant...
Atheist Peace, you should certainly be among the people hoping that your vision of an ideal genocide never comes to pass. What you propose is precisely that; Ethnographically driven genocide wearing the most stunningly massive blinders. Please stop embarrassing the rest of us who are actually decent human beings.
Well, going by his logic, HE should've been aborted before birth.
Yes, intelligent people are better than ignorant twats (like himself), but how you treat others is more important. Plus, there's no point in praising the good there as it's like trying to polish a turd.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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