If it was my Web site and I was being forced to accept homosexuals, I would close the Web site down. I went into a dating site and specifically mentioned that I only wanted replies from women, but the only replies I got were from guys. I won't call them "men". REAL men prefer women and not other guys.
1. eHarmony shouldn't be forced to accept gay applicants. I would hope that they did, but if they decided to go ahead, people like you and the AFA would demand a boycott.
2. Michelle Malkin is an idiot and needs to change careers.
3. Closing a website is an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.
With a name spelled like 'Jon-Marc', can this guy really be straight, do you think?
Or perhaps he's just pretentious, and good at interior design or hair fashion.
Either way, he sounds like a twat.
REAL men prefer women and not other guys.
Back in college, I knew a guy who played for our rugby team. He was 6'3", blond, ripped from head to toe, and gayer than watching a Tiffany video dressed in a lace bustier. I'm pretty sure he'd pull your head off for that pig-ignorant remark.
I actually used to play with a gay rugby player.
We never told our opponents which one he was. We just told them that one of us was gay. And then we would all take turns "making them uncomfortable" by "behaving slightly suggestive of being gay".
It really put them off since they thought "the gay" = the icky, while we did not care and found it amusing that someone thought we looked good. Even if it was a dude.
I know tons of gay MEN that would kick your ass, many are in the military, other works in factories... I'd love to see you talk shit to their faces, and see how it goes...
Oh, you know your site's gonna get spammed by lots of gay guys, once word gets out! Be a good idea to close it down now, 'kay?
"the only replies I got were from guys"
And with a name like Jon-Marc, is it any wonder?
If it was my Web site and I was being forced to accept homosexuals, I would close the Web site down.
Good luck with making money. If you do happen to run a website, Johnny, you should put up a big notice on your welcome page along the lines of "No Faggots". That way you won't be pestered by those nasty fruits who tend to wind up in high-paying, white color professions. Goodness knows, you wouldn't want any gay money floating around in your bank account. Send those queers over to my website, www.thesalesweasel.com , and I'll do my best to see to it that their dirty, dirty cash never reaches you.
1. I agree that a dating site should only give you results from your desired gender, and that when people are allowed to find their own mates, they should respect other users' sexual orientation.
2. Guess some "REAL men" also have vaginas, if preferring women is all it takes to be a REAL man.
3. When someone decides to be a jerk and give you a reply you specifically said you did not want, the correct thing to do is report that individual to the site moderators and try again. Whining on the Internet does not improve your chances with women.
I don't think dating sites are ever forced to cater to gays (and some don't) but, you know, they know they'll reach a larger audience and gain more revenue if they do. Duh.
Also not everyone is as crazily biased as you, guy.
No, no, STRAIGHT men prefer women and not other guys. Real men, for your information, do not taunt and demean others for being different, like a spoiled bully on the playground would. Real men do not need to put others down to feel strong. Gay men ARE men, whether you like it or not.
Back in college, I knew a guy who played for our rugby team. He was 6'3", blond, ripped from head to toe, and gayer than watching a Tiffany video dressed in a lace bustier.
Sounds like Monty Python's Graham Chapman.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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