John Lennon, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison Are STILL Alive!?
honestly, i know it's true. sure, it might seem a little weird to most of you. i know it sounds crazy at first. but the other day in the park, i spotted this old homeless lady (with wild feathers in her hair) drinking southern comfort straight from the bottle, and cackling to herself. just like janis used to do! and i know at least three other people that spotted janis (always cackling to herself) in different cities and states (plus also in paris, france!) that have seen her too. so obviously janis just faked her death, and just wanted to escape from her fans, and just travel around the world on her own. and be totally free. no more pressures, etc. janis is still alive!
also, i am almost certain that this strange elderly recluse i always see peeking out from his window across the street from my building (with those same funny round glasses on) is none other than john lennon! how do i know for sure? because he is always listening to the beatles! loud. plus he has been spotted in nyc and even london! so he still does manage to get around. he must have faked his death (just like janis) to escape from all the media frenzy, etc. john lennon is still alive!
oh, and the other day i was at safeway looking for some diet coke that was supposed to be on sale. and i heard somebody behind me singing "people are strange" in a really low voice. so i turned around, and it was this dude that looked (and sounded!) just like jim morrison! only his hair was mostly gray now, and a little bald on top. but you could still tell it was jim! so all three of these rock giants (plus let's not forget elvis!) just staged their own deaths, and are still alive and well! i don't expect everybody to believe me, but i know what i saw (and heard). and i'm not the only one! so we can't all be crazy. so just try and keep an open mind: john lennon, janis joplin, jim morrison, and elvis are still alive!! lol.
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