If you want to know the full story behind this and other recent afdave tardfests on the subject of asteroids, it's all to do with one Walt Brown and his "Hydroplate Theory" (or as the IIDB veterans have taken to calling it, Walt's "Hydropants Theory" because it is, literally, pants).
Basically, Walt needs a means of removing the heat energy that would have been dumped into the Earth's atmosphere by his mythical "fountains of the deep", so he decided to use that heat as the mother of all space launch mechanisms. Hence the crap about all the asteroids coming from Earth - Walt's wacky scenario has 3 × 10^21 Kg of rock being blasted off the Earth at escape velocity and then settling into circumsolar orbits beyond Mars without any extra input of delta-V to change their course (anyone from NASA will be howling with laughter over that one alone). Better still, Walt has since gone on, because of the delta-V problem, to suggest that the "cataclysm" on Earth pushed quadrillions of gallons of water into the inner Solar System, which then became part of the solar wind and pushed the asteroids into place. Yes, if you're reading this and wondering what weapons-grade hallucinogens Walt is smoklng, you're not alone, trust me. And afdave has swallowed this mega-tard uncritically because in his tiny mind, it allows him to prop up his belief that the Earth is only 6000 years old and was flooded by his "creator god" about 4,500 years ago. The fact that NONE of this shit about asteroids, vast clouds of water in space or all the other shit attached to the Hydropants Theory ever occurred to the assorted authors of genesis, and that this is therefore a gigantic departure from biblical literalism, doesn't seem to have made its way past the osmium-alloy fundie-cap on afdave's head.
The fun part about it is this - if you read that titanic 80-odd page (and growing!) thread on asteroids in full, afdave has at different points in the thread, asserted two mutually contradictory views - namely that the water on other Solar System bodies came from Earth, and then that it didn't. But, as is usual with people wearing creo-blinkers, the fact that he's doen this hasn't registered in his own mind, even though the material in question is the content of his own posts, because he has a memory span that would be an embarrasment to an amoeba.
Oh, and he's yet to figure out a little something called "spectroscopy".
Roll up to IIDB and enjoy the comedy gold. :)