These inconsistencies of US policy reveal that ideologies like feminism are not really taken seriously by those in power, but are instead just a convenient tool or an effective weapon, like a Tomahawk cruise missile that destroys American families and renders children fatherless so as to prevent them from challenging the scions of our overlords.
However, in the case of Assad and the rebels I can’t in good faith support either side. Assad has employed feminism in the same manner as our elites, while the rebels have a burning hatred for my civilization and religion. If I had to choose a side, I’d go with Assad, because at least he doesn’t burn churches and massacre Christians (BTW, whether you call yourself secular or Christian, if you’re an American you’re still a “kafir” to these rebels). And anyway, the kind of patriarchy fundamentalist jihadis support is totally alien to my people and our tradition, which has always been a lot more moderate and benevolent in that regard.
So, when the cruise missiles start raining down on Damascus, keep in mind what a fraud Western feminism is. Hell, I’ll bet even Patty Murray supports an attack on the Syrian regime.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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