Young Earth Creationism is the only religion which I've found to hold up under close scrutiny. Thus, it's the one I follow.
and I'd bet a large sum of money that YEC was what you grew up with, no correlation of course!
oh and... FIRST ! woot woot !lol
Well that is true, until you really look at it.
Holds up under close scrutiny? Seriously, that may be the dumbest comment I have ever read.
Funny, when I held the religion I grew up with under close scrutiny, I realized it didn't hold up and I quit following it.
But I'm willing to bet that if you hadn't grown up believing in YEC, then you are a brainless, gullible convert who would have been just as likely to follow scientology for example.
So you are neither a christian nor a Jew, but just a YEC?
So you believe in a divine entity that created earth some thousand years ago, but neither believe in Jesus nor in everything in the bible being true?
Fascinating, I thought YEC would always come connected to christian/jewish/muslim fundamentalism ;)
(doesn´t make your belief right, however, as the scientific world disagrees with your belief)
"Young Earth Creationism is the only religion which I've found to hold up under close scrutiny. Thus, it's the one I follow."
I thought it was "science" and had nothing at all to do with religion. Or is that only when you want it taught in public schools?
Either way, you obviously didn't look very far if YEC (a fitting acronym if ever there were one) is the best you can find.
By "scrutiny," I assume you mean "I didn't even look at it but it's easy to understand, therefore, I believe it."
"Young Earth Creationism is the only religion which I've found to hold up under close scrutiny. Thus, it's the one I follow."
Science would disagree. As would the law. Three words:
Kitzmiller versus Dover.
Dude, you are seriously too involved in video games to not have noticed that Y.E.C. have been placed under scruitny.
Get outside more often. Please.
He's got a funny definition of the word "scrutiny."
Then again, it's been shown time and time again that he doesn't know anything. Search this guy's name on FSTDT, he's got a long history on this site.
Just in case this isn't a Poe, we have a new addition to the Fundy Word Redefinition Project:
scrutiny, n. wishful thinking
If by "close scrutiny you mean not even looking for any other answers or explanations, not having an open mind, and being an ignorant fuck, then yes, you're right.
Notice he said Young Earth Creationism is a RELIGION, not a science.
The "close scrutiny" he's holding it up under is a literal interpretation of Genesis chapter 1.
(Pay no attention to the Genesis chapter 2 behind the curtain!)
MarioFanaticXV is a classic fundy.
Rational people at least acknowledge evidence when its in front of them, rather than pretend it's not there, as Young Earthers do at all physical evidence showing the earth's true age.
Y'know, it'd be EASY to prove YEC. Just produce one talking snake, change the physical constants of the universe and the geological record, produce a plausible physical mechanism by which foxes might evolve into wolves, or vice-versa, without being able to evolve further, and demonstrate that prayer has any effect different from random chance, and have your God who whispers into your heart say the same thing to everybody.
Go to it!
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