Science is not open to alternatives - because by its nature it cannot be. Science cannot consider God's possible work and therefore is not able to analyze such evidences.
Therefore, you people are fundamentalists to materialistic causes. You are forced to be.
The thing these people never seem to get is that things such as atoms, genes and such weren't part of the 'material universe' before they were shown to exist. If ANY kind of evidence proves indisputably the existence of God our definition of 'the material Universe' will change accordingly as it has for every other discovery.
Science reserves its highest honors for those who successfully prove it wrong.
Of course, that requires evidence, which you don't have.
Right, because science demands E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E
And what's with the "We're not fundamentalists, your the fundamentalist". Christ it's like arguing with a 5-year-old.
"Science is not open to alternatives - because by its nature it cannot be."
Correct, science is concerned with reality and only reality. If it doesn't have evidence, it isn't science.
Science, by its nature, is not just 'open' to alternatives. Scientists spend their entire lives trying to find some flaw in accepted theories, so that their name can be famous as the one that uncovered the flaw and improved or replaced the flawed theory. A scientist who did not discover new things was a failure at their job.
Wrong. Science is, very basically, about alternatives. If something can prove, or disprove, a theory, idea, or concept, it is welcomed with open arms.
You, on the other hand, fundamentally believe in the bible and the bible alone.
Nanner, nanner, boo, boo. What you say to me bounces off and sticks back to you.
Grow up.
That would be true under the circumstance that science was a RELIGION! Science does not need to open itself up to the possibility of the supernatural because it cannot observe nor benefit from such speculation. Science does not posit that only those things that it has observed or measured are the only things that can possibly exist, nor is science used as a philosophy of life (directly).
Therefore, you are still the only fundamentalist. But nice try...
"Science cannot consider God's possible work" because there is no evidence (and by the nature of a non-intervening god, never can be evidence) of a god. It is supernatural, it is outside the measurable universe. It is unknowable by direct or indirect means.
Science can infer many things through observation: once it can do that for God then he's on the science agenda, until then STFU
Any evidence of "God's possible work" would probably be much appreciated by scientists. So, just bring it on, dear.
Science HAS to be open to alternatives, otherwise it'll whither and die. Alchemy has "evolved" into Chemistry, for example.
1) We're ALL materialistic. Got a house, car new TV? Can I have them? Didn't think so
2)There's no Book, Idealogy or dogma in materialism. It's a natural human trait of the civilized world. If you've ever wanted something, you're materialistic. Your church owns tons of shit. It's not like it's in any way the opposite of Christianity.
Fundamentalist Christianity is not open to alternatives - because by definition it cannot be. Fundies cannot analyse, nor question God's possible work and therefore their beliefs are unchanging, stagnant. Poisonous.
Therefore, you people are fundamentalists to superstitious causes. You are forced to be.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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