[Debating about which was the "one" language before the Tower of Babel "fiasco"...]
I also believe Hebrew was the original language. No other language can express what that language can. It must be God breathed.
I really want to decry him as a retard on his board, with something even more retarded...
Like: "You're completely wrong! Can you think of any Hebrew word that can't be translated into English!? Nope? I didn't think so! Niether can I! That's because the original language is English, the language of God's chosen people!"
I'm pretty sure it won't fly, even on such a site. But it gives me a kind of wicked and shameful joy to think of doing something so petty.
I'd bet dollars to wet crackers that warbar can't speak, write or read any Hebrew.
Plus, before the tower of Babel story, the Bible has already claims there to be more than one language.
I believe that if the 'Tower of Babel' story happened, it went like this;
The Hebrews were wrecked on magic mushrooms for decades. One day, after convincing passerbys that they were 'god's chosen people' they got others on 'shrooms and started building a compound for their cult. A pissing contest insues, with two sides claiming that their tower is going to be the most pleasing to god. The contest begins and during the frantic construction they forget to get more mushrooms and sober up. They realize that all of these different people they've been tripping with speak different languages, which is easier to pick up on when sober. They all have a good laugh and go their seperate ways. Each of them had the best party story ever to tell when they finally got home.
Oh, and logic dictates that there was never a time when human language went from non-verbal to Hebrew, you 'shroomhead.
Julian: That'sa German word, haven't you even got an English term for it? "cause this way it makes a horrible example.
"Well, Hebrew can express things no other language can"
"Well, here have an German word which is commonly used in English and tell me why it can't be translated in Hebrew"
You haven't even got a word of your own for it, so it would support his idea that some languages can express things others can not. But to counter that, the Dutch word for Schadenfreude (You even misspelled it) is "leedvermaak". Just so you know.
Not at all, it makes it the perfect example. It's not just English that Hebrew is up against in his claim. It's all languages which is really demented because Eskimos have (from memory) over 200 words for different types of snow, yet I'd be surprised if Hebrew has one!
Schaudenfruede is an emotion. "Taking quiet joy in the incidental suffering of others." It does not translate more concisely than that into English.
I wonder if this dickhead knows the English language (Complete Oxford Dictionary) passed 1,000,000 words a few years ago. I wonder how many thousand Hebrew has.
Once again, why isn't there a word for Kangaroo and Koala in Hebrew? They were on the Ark after all if there was a global flood.
Since the "Tower of Babel fiasco" is a myth, the whole debate on this issue, not surprisingly, is pointless.
As others have pointed out, and as any accredited linguist will attest, Hebrew was not the first language spoken by mankind by a long shot.
Just when I think the 'tards at Rapture Ready have hit the bottom of their well of stupidity, they start digging.
Debating whether Hebrew was the original human language on the basis of the biblical story of Babel is at least as stupid as debating what bovine species was crossed with humanity to get the Minotaur, or how fairies fit into the branching pathways of primate evolution. It's a freaking MYTH , people, and that's all!
~David D.G.
*breaks in*
No! Esperanto was the original universal language! Zamenhof travelled back in time to give it to early man. Unfortunately, it backfired, and Zamenhof became the first pharoh of Egypt as well, then fought at Troy.
...Or I dreamt that last night. Probably the latter.
What's the Hebrew word for Schaudenfruede then smarty pants?
It has one , believe it or not.
AFAIK, Hebrew wasn't a more modern version of Aramaic, but the other way around. Modern Hebrew was pretty much a resurrected dead sacral language to be used in Israel (pretty much like if all Catholics had a state of their own and started speaking Latin there.)
Language necrophilia if you want. Along with thread necrophilia, seeing this is from 2006.
The oldest known written accounts are in Sumerian cuneiform (2900 BC). A little bit later Egyptian hieroglyphs (2700 BC). After that: Akkadian, Eblaite, Elamite, Hurrian, Luwite, Minoan, Hittite, Canaanite, Greek, Hattic, Ugaritic, Chinese, Phoenician, Aramaic.
And not till then Hebrew. The first known written account in Hebrew is the "Gezer calendar", created around 950 BC.
Mesopotamia? Sumeria? Ring any bells, nutbar? Oh, and riddle me this:
If, prior to the so-called 'Tower of Babel', humanity only spoke one language, and after it's 'fall', your so-called 'God' created 'confusion' in humanity, in making them speak many various languages - thus the implication that humans have no possible neuropsychological facility for coming up with their own languages...:
How do you account for the likes of Esperanto in 1870-80 BCE , and Klingon in 1984 BCE ? Both of which didn't exist before. According to your logic nutbar, there's no possible way for Dr. Ludovic Lazarus Zamenhof and Marc Okrand respectively, to have invented these purely 'artificial' languages, amirite?
PROTIP: The KJV has been translated into Klingon (The 'King J'Hames Version'). So start learning it, nutbar. It must be God breathed, amirite?
“ No other language can express what that language can.”
That’s funny, because in discussions about why the Earth in the Bible is always a flat-earth, some have tried to say that God used ‘circle,’ which is flat, because they didn’t have a word for ‘sphere.’ So, NOT the most powerful language of all, when you need it to not be, right?
Also, that chapter includes a description of how God will roll the evil into a ball and drop kick them over the horizon.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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