jdolam #conspiracy s15.invisionfree.com
[On the 4 hijacked flights, 9/11]
more obfuscation and let;s roll! mythology.
so much smoke.
Real phone calls? maybe, some....
real flight 93? a plane, indeed, seemd to have fallen out of sky in pennsylvania -- or at least plane PARTS fell out of sky -- but at indian lake, not shanksville crater.
I do particularly like the idea of one 'real' hijacking perpetrated in order to 'sell' an america-fights-back story..... and as far as phone calls go, you have to break them down one by one for analysis. do not simply say 'either they were all faked, or all true' --- too simplistic.
Given that there were terror drill war games happening on 9/11, it is entirely possible that part of those flight 93 phone calls, and plane movements, were part of a simple drill and script. from WHERE calls were made unclear. Where 93, or it's double, went also unclear.
Look up the great stuff at team8plus on flight 93 -- I have not seen better!