Lee Duigon #fundie #wingnut barbwire.com
[This is from an article titled "What's Wrong With Liberals?"]
Today they dominate the government at every level, the Democrat Party, the courts, the schools, the universities, the news media, Hollywood, and every other aspect of the public sector you can think of - even quite a few of the churches. There are still a few religious leaders, political commentators, bloggers, and a handful of politicians who oppose them: but have you seen the opposition winning many battles lately? There are Newswithviews readers who now believe the Left is invincible in this fallen world, and will only be defeated with the return of Jesus Christ.
You'd think the progs would be happy, riding high as they are, abusing Christians to their hearts' content, running the show however they please. You'd think they wouldn't even notice the few small voices raised against them.
And yet they aren't happy. The most trivial act or word of dissent enrages them. They have conniptions over it.
Well, the Bible tells us Satan is unhappy - filled with wrath, because he knows he has only a short time left to run wild on the earth (Revelation 12:12). Sound like anyone you know?
When the devil is angry and unhappy, his servants are angry and unhappy.
With all the work they've done on Global Warming, for instance, nature refuses to cooperate and most people have noticed that. Libs 'n' progs love Global Warming! It's their ticket to global governance. "Deniers" must be crushed.
They push Evolution for all they're worth, and still a lot of people aren't buying it. Libs 'n' progs love Evolution: it gets God out of the picture, leaving the path clear for their own creation and idol, the devouring state, to be supreme. But somehow they just can't seem to nail it down.
It's the same story with all the rest of their comprehensive program of social engineering - same-sex pseudomarriage, all that "transgender" business, forcible redistribution of wealth, redefinition of the family, and the dissolution of all the nations into some icky kind of world government. They just can't close the deal.
As long as there is any opposition at all, leftists refuse to feel secure.