Ken Ham, the famous “creationist” is a favorite of the new apostate Christian church. He is heavily cited as an expert in Christian science textbooks. He misleads his followers into believing in evolution. How can a “creationist” mislead sincere Christians into believing in evolution? He teaches that Adam and Eve were the first humans (we know they were the first white man and woman) and that from them all Homosapiens resulted. After the tower of Babel incident when God confused the languages – Ken Ham teaches that people went to different parts of the world and in a few hundred years evolved into the different races. People in Africa became black and got tight kinky hair. People in Asia got extra eye folds from squinting at the sun and people in Europe – well they didn’t really change much at all. His theories are bizarre and based on Charles Darwin. Noah and his family who God spared because he was perfect in his generation (racially pure) He wasn’t really perfect – only Jesus Christ is perfect – were a mixed race family – we are told by “scientists” like Ham. He would have us believe that Noah had a racially integrated family. None of his teachings make any sense and smack of the ramblings of a small child who comes up with various fantasies as to why the sky is blue.
Ken Ham is a DARWINIST !
Actually, Hambrain DOES endorse evolution - I've been to his Cretinism Museum and seen it for myself.
He just calls it "change" among "kinds" (never defined), and claims it happened with ludicrous rapidity, to explain speciation within 4,000 years.
So even Ham has to fundamentally (heh) accept evolution. He's just incoherent, contradictory, and totally dishonest about it. Surprise, surprise.
If this site proves nothing else, it's that no matter how radical, extremist or retarded you think any given group of fundies might be, there's always someone who's worse!
White pride homeschool... Then off to Princeton, Duke or Caltech, no doubt.
You are of course correct. Most of the YEC's will refer to this as "adaption" or "microevolution" which is totally not Darwinian evolution they say. And yeah, I've seen the plaques from the AIG museum that have the obvious implication of Super Hyper Microevolution! that had to occur but for some unexplained mysterious reason this has stopped in the last couple of thousand years of recorded human history.
cdk007 did a video on it using the photos that a couple took at the museum. The Creation Museum Teaches Super Evolution
Unfortunately the photo gallery is now a 404 for some reason.
Ham and Company know full well they can't make shit up too far in offering explanations and inferences or it just becomes too obvious it's all bullshit. Only feed the rubes just enough or the gig falls apart.
Still like thinking of Ham as accused of being a Darwinist though.
Well shit, have I finally achieved my dream and crossed over into a parallel universe where everyone is their opposite?
Ken Ham support evolution?
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha! Oh God I needed that, you guys are really a laugh. This is the same Ken Ham who went on national TV and got his ass epically kicked by Bill Nye? The same Ham who has been obsessing over Nye ever since?
Bizarro World it is.
So in this world, The Christian Revival Center must be a force for racial, gender, and sexual equality?
Ok, a bit off topic, but I loved the implicit racism in the line "people in Europe well they didn’t really change much at all"
Yep, god created white people, everybody else are just offshoots. Idiots
If Ken Ham is too progressive for you, then-
No, I can't really fathom it
Moderate, intelligent Christians believe in evolution and photosynthesis, in a heliocentric world and in the periodic table.
Deluded literalists only believe in fairy-tales.
Homo Sapiens comes from Africa, nit-wit. It's the ones in Africa that haven't changed much at all.
There is only one human race; we are too similar to define into different races.
Fruit-flies, on the other hand; they have several different species and hundreds of races.
Ken Ham despises Charles Darwin, silly-nilly.
OK, we agree on one thing, I'd also put scare quotes around the word scientist, if I was talking about the Ham-bone.
Your ramblings would scare a contortionist; you have to come up with such twisted fantasies as to how pale-skinned people should in any way be “purer” or “better” than any other skin-tone.
Here is your pure Jesus, you big historical illiterate.
I actually agree with this fundy. IF a single family were to be placed into an empty world, it is pretty stupid to imagine that within a few generations, you would have distinct cultures and ethnic groups.
Granted, I conclude from this that the Bible is full of crap.
Fundie fight.
Not a surprise though since Ken Ham and answers in Genesis as a whole go out of their way to insist they are not racist. So a white surpremist group would be agianst him.
Ken Ham does accept "micro" evolution he just dismisses "macro" evolution apparently to the KKK here that makes him an evolutionist.
The only way Ken Ham leads people to believe in evolution is because his creationist ideas are so wacko that people realize he's full of shit.
I have to admit I will enjoy this fundie fight. Mainly because there will be no winners, only losers.
White Pride Homeschool? No doubt supplying the nation with a steady supply of ditch diggers and burger flippers.
You accept it that god magiced the world into existence, you have no problem with god using magic to turn dust and ribs into people, you make no argument that god magiced all the animals to survive on a boat for a year, you believe that god used magic to fuck with people in the Tower of Babel story, but refuse to accept that god could use magic to create different races?
He would have us believe that Noah had a racially integrated family
Sure. He's a creationist who is forced to invent stuff out of thin air in order to keep believing that Genesis is literal history. So the only way he can explain different races if we're all descended from Noah, without either acknowledging evolution or admitting there were other creations besides Adam (which seems to be the way you're leaning), is to claim that Noah's family somehow had all the races in them already. Of course his teachings make no sense. Like all creationists, modern science has backed him into a corner in which he needs to keep coming up with increasingly bizarre rationalizations for why Genesis conflicts with the real world.
we know they were the first white man and woman
Where does the Bible say they were white?
Like most creationist and Noahs Ark believers Ken has to deny evolution and also claim a super accelerated evolution has occurred.
"None of his teachings make any sense and smack of the ramblings of a small child "
There you go.
Judging from this asshole's Webshite, he's a believer in "Christian Identity". You know, WASP are the real "Chosen People", Jews are the literal spawn of Satan and non-white folks are soulless "muds".
Neo-Nazi retards vs. Ken Ham?
...I'll bring pizza.
>Cracker Jack
(*Nostalgia Bomb goes off in brain *)
...ohhhh, how I remember that as a callow youth: buying a couple of boxes from the mobile shop that appeared at the bottom of my street once a week. Such tasty popcorn & peanuts in caramel. And the toys that were in the boxes. Spukes, you've made a happy man feel very old! (Shome mishtake, shurely?! ) X3
The mini-comics that sometimes were inside Cracker Jack boxes made infinitely more sense than what this retard's saying.
"None of his teachings make any sense and smack of the ramblings of a small child who comes up with various fantasies as to why the sky is blue."
This is why I've stopped buying irony meters.
So, Christian Retard Center, If Adam and Eve were the first Caucasians, how do you explain why so many people look different from Noah and family? Oh right, Goddidit by screwing with them. Yeah, and a giant robin laid an egg and we're inside and that's why the sky is blue.
This is why I've stopped buying irony meters.
I know. FSTDT has done such a number on them that I've had to leave the burnt-out space in the panel empty, but the heavy duty wires which connected the irony meter keep sparking. I'm afraid I'm going to have to shut down all the irony circuitry since it's a fire hazard.
@Old Viking
Please! Don't insult the good people of the Aka, Efé & Mbuti tribes in Africa!
Compare Ham & Robb to turnips, instead....or toilet scum.
Well, please tell me, what evidence do you have for he existence of races?
Not to endorse Ken Ham, but you are crazy if you think he doesn't deny evolution.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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