My little sister, who is 7 years old absolutely loves music. When I tell her that it's not good to listen to music, she says "but I liiike it". How do get a child to HATE music?
[Check out the thread for answers]
Here's one of the responses in the thread, from a muslim woman whose screen handle is UnityPeace:
"She is 7 years old . She does not make the rules in that house and you have to make sure she knows who is boss! Turn it off, make sure she is not easily exposed to it. This is why my dad through [sic] out the t.v!!!"
"How do you get anyone to hate something that is universally intrinsic to the human soul?"
I don't know, but fundies of all persuasions seem hellbent on doing just that.
Here's what you do. You hop on the back of a camel, and tell it to carry you 100 miles in one direction.
That won't solve your problem with your sister, but it will solve hers.
Oddly enough, I know two people who don't like music of any sort.
They're two of the least pleasant individuals I've ever met. I don't think it's a coincidence.
Good music speaks to a person's basic humanity, and God hates humanity.
Note: it says she wants to listen to High School Musical. I support any endeavor that saves poor children from exposure to this music-crime.
Death to high school musical!
Good music speaks to a persons basic humanity, and God hates humanity.
Note: it says she wants to listen to High School Musical. I support any endeacor that saves poor children from exposure to this music-crime.
Death to high school musical!
As a keyboard player, trance music producer, and DJ, let me say, fuck you with a key-tar.
James Blunt will work if you're really desperate.
For some reason, I read that as:
"Smoking a blunt will work..." and it kinda stopped there.
Although, I do agree, the OP needs to spark one up and chill the fuck out.
Music is a pretty vague term. You do realize that if you manage to block all viable exposure to music she could easily start creating her own primitive forms of music, right? More shocking she could actually sing out loud or even in her head where you might never notice! I think a lobotomy's probably the only solution.
Psalm 150 - which I have just set as a fine choral piece. [Pardon the self prais, but it inspired me, which doesn't often happen with the Bible, and I am proud of my musical gift.]
To hate music is unbiblical.
The call of the muezzin is a musical call:
Ashshsaddu inna....etc
David played the lyre and (shock) danced before the Ark of the Covenant.
The priests sang the Temple service in Jerusalem.
It is a perversion of human nature to turn against music and impose this on others.
Just sick, sick, sick!
tracer: Not just Islamic fundies believe this. Christian ones, too, including some I've personally known. Yeah, I know, it burns. :|
The first thing this made me think of was BASEketball : "The Minneapolis Lakers moved to Los Angeles, where there are no lakes. The Oilers moved to Tennessee, where there is no oil. The Jazz moved to Salt Lake City, where they don’t allow music."
Oddly enough, I know two people who don't like music of any sort.
How is that even possible? I can't even imagine a life without music. My mind boggles.
Instead of focusing so much in your sis, which makes nothing wrong, think why you type in a computer, watch tv or have the belly dance. Are you sure Islam forbids music?
Well, I guess I'm a-okay as far as Asmara's concerned: the last time I used my vibrator, I was listening to a rather sexually-charged treatise on Bach's fifth Brandenburg Concerto on spoken-word CD, but I wasn't listening to the music itself .
@Jack Bauer: I would second that, but I think a more effective method would be to wall up the little girl in an underground cave. Inhumane, but effective. Of course, it's not like Asmara would shy away from depriving the poor little girl of joy and happiness.
She is your SISTER you can't make her do anything.
Also, she's 7. It's not like she's listening to Rob Zombie or King Diamond.
Hannah Montana, High school musical, and Raven are not evil.
Just let her be a normal 7 year old girl.
Hm. A Muslim fundie. How... cute.
Nothing more can be said.
@ God, She won't listen, she doesn't believe in you.
If you had your way the only thing we'd be good for is mindless recitation of prayers.
I sing. I sing every day. It keeps my mind off my troubles.
Asmara, from the bottom of my soul, I hope you burn.
Hey, if you get her hooked on Steely Dan, at the very least she will know better than to get caught with the working girls down at the county jail, she'll realize that strange guys should not be offering her shots of Cuervo Gold when she's only nineteen, there's no static at all on FM, and if her cousin Dupree tries to hook up with her, she should remind him of the skeevy look in his eyes and tell him that his brain has turned into applesauce.
Though in Asmara's sister's case, I'm rather hoping she holds out for being a guitarist/singer in a punk band.
Hate music? Is it even possible to hate music on a general basis? I find that hard to imagine, but I s'pose there's some who do out there. At any rate... this was one scary fundy, one recomends Eric Prydz and Basshunter.
Am I the only one who's having a bit of trouble understanding a lot of the Islamo-jargon?
I take it haraam is like, forbidden or some shit.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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