Dr. Don Boys #fundie barbwire.com
One does not have to believe in a young Earth to be a Christian but Christians should take the biblical position on everything. Origins of the Universe and the Earth are very important. We don’t need to trust in radiometric dating or even natural “clocks” to determine whether the Earth is young or old. The Bible is very clear on that issue but that’s another column.
Some thoughts concerning a young earth:
Rabid evolutionists have determined the earth is about 4.5 billion years old as supported, according to the myth, by fossils and radiometric dating. However, in my new eBook, Evolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? I dealt with the mistakes, uncertainties, ambiguities, contradictions, and general unreliability of radiometric dating of fossils. The dates produced by many modern methods are often dates that are called “scientifically correct” but are embarrassingly inaccurate.
It is a fact that the radioactive ages of lava beds laid down within a few weeks of each other differ by millions of years for which evolutionists have no answer.
Geologist Dr. Henry Faul (who specialized in dating rocks) wrote concerning one of those “reliable” dating methods–uranium dating: “—widely diverging ages can be measured on samples from the same spot.” Different dates from the same spot.
That fact was confirmed by Joan C. Engels, in the Journal of Geology: “It is now well known that K-Ar [potassium-argon] ages obtained from different minerals in a single rock may be strikingly discordant.” That’s about as scientific as a voodoo rooster-plucking ceremony in Haiti–almost.
Fredreck B. Jeaneman declared in Industrial Research and Development, “this could mean that the atomic clocks are reset during some global disaster, and events which brought the Mesozoic [the dinosaur age] to a close may not be 65 million years ago, but rather, within the age and memory of man.” Oops, that means a major segment of evolutionary teaching could be an error.
Curt Teichert admitted in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, “At present, no coherent picture of the history of the earth could be built on the basis of radioactive datings.” But inflexible, incoherent, and insecure evolutionists keep trying–without success.
The Great Barrier Reef is not millions of years old but less than 4,200 years old. That later date is ascertained because we know the growth rate for the last 25 years.
Geologists know that each stratum of sedimentary rock laid on top of each other shows no signs of erosion as they were allegedly laid down over “millions” of years. Everyone knows that exposure of stratum over millions of years would have resulted in massive erosion. However, the record shows the opposite. That is because “millions of years” is a myth. The strata were laid during and after the Flood so there was no time for erosion.
Another indication of a young Earth are large trees (which pass vertically through several rock layers) that could not have stood upright for millions of years without rotting while they were slowly buried. Those polystrate fossils were buried during and following the Flood.
Massive, thick layers of “rock” bent almost double without fracturing, indicate that the rock was soft when bent and no doubt happened following the Flood of Noah. Firm strata will break but they will never bend except in the evolutionary textbooks.
There are many other natural proofs of a young earth such as rather quick stalactite and stalagmite formation; red blood cells found in dinosaur fossils that are allegedly more than 65 million years old; the petrification of wood in a few years; the small amount of sodium in the ocean; the small amount of sediment in the Gulf of Mexico; the small amount of top soil all over the earth; the shrinking of the Sun indicates that if the Earth were ancient, it would have touched the Earth in only twenty million years; the number of people on Earth indicate a young Earth; and on and on and on.
Evolution is founded, not on science, but on distortions, myths, poor scholarship, circular reasoning, faulty premises, and a generous dose of wishful thinking. In plain English, it is pure quackery but none dare call it quackery.
You can stand with the atheists/evolutionists if you want as they belch their kooky, pseudo-scientific nonsense but I plan to continue standing with the One who created the Earth “in the beginning.”