Laurie Roth #fundie
The ‘progressive’ agenda is more than clear. Long ago it morphed into a hybrid monster that eats the flesh off of patriotic, Christian and conservative Americans. It demands redistribution of wealth and loan shark style taxation – known and hidden. It controls freedom of speech for anyone who doesn’t agree with the Obama-New World Order transformation plan.
Obama is successfully seizing in front of our faces the very beams and foundational structures of America in chaotic ‘Saul Alinsky’ fashion. America is far from over and I believe will recover and shine again but it is leaning like the ‘Leaning Tower of Pisa’ and the cracks are growing larger thanks to leadership that moves like compromised turtles at a ‘sedative’ party.
Obama continues his tyrannical frenzy of dictatorial controls as he ‘executive orders’ his way to Hitler’s playbook. His toys include ‘executive orders’ ‘executive actions’ ‘memorandums’ perhaps ‘post it notes’ next? He is pushing amnesty while importing radical Syrian Muslims and ‘mystery people’ across our borders like a disease spreading to schools, clinics and communities across America. So far the House has been more than pitiful in its response to this national security threat.
Now, emperor Obama is banning AR 15 bullets and trying to ratchet up gun control one way or another. He already has the schools so he can indoctrinate our children through Common Core and it’s rewriting of real American History. It also data minds our children, talks of the danger and evils of guns, crams Islam and its rewritten history down our kid’s throats. It demonizes patriotism and Christianity while gagging us with the ‘Greens’ agenda and sustainability as the Communist cherry on top.
Yes, Obama is playing perfectly into Hitler’s playbook as he marches boldly over American bodies while taking over everything in sight.
It is beyond time for our elected officials in the House and Senate to be boldly reminded by us who they serve and are accountable to. This is first to God of the Holy Bible, then the people of America, then our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Elected officials were never put in place to build their careers, political brand or power.
Our elected officials have allowed this pagan-imposter president Obama to break the law, walk around in contempt of court over and over, ignore and assault our Constitution, use the IRS, NSA, EPA, HOMELAND SECURITY , and now the FCC against us as assault weapons. We are being attacked and crushed from within. When will members and political flavors in the House and Senate realize this? Are you all ugly and suicidal? I thought ugly was bad enough—.
We are way beyond national emergency. It is as if ISIS has already put thousands of Christians and patriots in cages in all 50 states and lit a match. What will you the ‘new blood’ in the HOUSE and SENATE do about this? What will the new conservative Governors in the vast majority of states along with the organized masses and Tea Parties also do about this?