Matt Forney #fundie
Homosexuals and sexual deviants by definition are weak people who live solely for self-gratification.
They lack the moral fortitude to defend themselves and will always get rolled by whoever ambles over to punch them in the face and take their lunch money.
Always. Without exception.
Rome was conquered by the barbarians because Romans were weak, degenerate and valued hedonism over defending their empire.
France and Germany are being conquered because the French and Germans are weak, degenerate and value hedonism over defending their nations.
There are plenty of people who will defend their nations in the name of God (or the gods), their families, their blood, and their cultural patrimony.
There isn't a single person who has ever gone to war to defend their country's abortion rights or freedom for gays.
It just doesn't happen.
A polite reminder: despite the outreach Trump and his supporters did for gays, despite the Orlando nightclub shooting, and despite Hillary Clinton taking money from "homophobic" Saudi Arabia, 80 percent of LGBT voters supported Hillary.
Hedonists are dead weight with no place in the movement.