Poverty is caused by SIN. and no government in the world can cure that problem.
Yeah, like the people who sinfully got laid off, and sinfully tried to find a job anywhere, but sinfully turned up empty handed, and sinfully spent their savings trying to keep their sinful heads above water, and sinking deeper and deeper into filthy, sinful debt. Yeah.
Fuck you. Just say it like it is. You don't wanna help anyone out if it means creaking open your pocketbook.
I agree. If I didn't have a SIN the government wouldn't be able to track me to steal my hard earned money for taxes. (jk btw I know taxes are a necessary evil I just wish the gov would put my money to good use rather than 34% pay rises for themselves)
@Name: you win the internet!
I would normally tear your argument down without pity, but i have better things to do. Instead, i will tell you that you seem to live in a different world where nothing has anything to do with anything.
Feel the Christian love and compassion for their fellow man.
Oh, and apparently everyone everywhere is dreadfully poor, because we're all sinners, because a guy made from dirt inbred for a few hundred generations after being thrown out of a magical garden because of a rib-woman who ate from a magical tree at the behest of a talking snake.
Didn't some character from some ancient book say something about: "Blessed are the poor?"
And didn't you morons decide that this fictional character from this man-made book was the sonofgod and everyone -- but particularly you lot -- should EMULATE his life and follow his teachings?
Oh, fuck. What am I thinking. You guys actually follow that book about as well as a grizzly bear follows the shop manual for a 1967 Volkswagen.
In three gospels it says: "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of gawd." And as another mentioned: "Blessed are the poor..etc". Many references that disagree with your assessment. Dont forget, jeebus told you to give everything you have to the poor and follow him. Get out that check book.....
Um, so when Jesus said to sell everything you own and give the money to the poor, he was telling us to be as sinful as possible?
And when he said "blessed are the poor", and it was almost impossible for a rich person to enter heaven,.. God actually favors sinners?
Wait, so sin is a virtue now?
Eh, she hasn't explicitly said that the poor were the sinners.
Well... even after all those hours spent on this site and many others, witnessing human stupidity in all its cruel, deluded, intolerant, self-centered splendor... I guess I'm still not pessimistic enough for this crapsack world.
Not that Jesus cared.
"The poor will you always have with you, but you will not always have me with you."
Egotistical bastard, especially since in context his disciples actually wanted to help the poor and he was like "lolno"
Random Shadowrunner: You heard the lady, if the System Identification Number didn't exist...
Wait, she's saying sin as in the quality? What the drek is wrong with her?
Percentage Making over $100K/year:
Jehovah's Witnesses: 8%
Evangelical Christians: 13%
Muslims: 16%
National Average: 18%
Catholics: 19%
Buddhists: 22%
Orthodox: 28%
Hindus: 43%
Jews: 46%
Percentage Making under $30K/year:
Hindus: 9%
Jews: 14%
Buddhists: 25%
Catholics: 31%
National Average: 31%
Orthodox: 20%
Evangelical Christians: 34%
Muslims: 35%
Jehovah's Witnesses: 42%
So I guess the least sinful are Jews and Hindus.
Said the republican hoarding all the money...
and the Godbuster for double-posting, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
Yes, because only bad people are laid off, fired for no reason, have debilitating mental illnesses, live in countries where the rich exploit the fuck out of everyone and everything else, and are barred from access to the resources they need due to cultural traditions and views.
> Poverty is caused by SIN. and no government in the world can cure that problem.
So fundamentally , your religion is based on the ideology of "you suck, your country sucks, you're destined to suck forever, and there's nothing you can do about it"?
I'm starting to realise why so many of the non-Christians I hang out with are so happy and positive...
Greed = Sin
Avarice = Sin
Selfishness & Hoarding = Sin
"Love of money is the root of all evil"
"It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven" ...
... and now Poverty = Sin?
Basically, you just can't win, can you?
Have you met my friend, MrsNutCluster? I think the two of you would get along famously.
So let me get this straight...
So it logically follows that jesus was a sinner. But you guys like to claim jesus was perfect so what is up? You fuckers are so contradictory and you are too stupid to even realize it.
I thought jebus died for our sins.
jebus dead, therefore no sin punishable, end of poverty! Yay jebus!
That was easy enough!
I BEG YOU.... to RESEARCH the words spoken in the very Bible: "God makes the rain fall on the just as well as the wicked."
Contemplate that... dig deep... think on it. Then come back and try again...
Heres a hint: God loves us all. He sent his only begotten Son into the world to save all of us. And we all fall short of the glory of God.
Doubt you will sink this into your thick head though. Dont know why im bothering.
"Poverty is caused by SIN."
Matthew 19:21: 'Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.'
Your call, MrsGoodBuddy.
"and no government in the world can cure that problem."
The welfare states of many countries here in Europe prove you wrong. And they are secular governments.
Well actually poverty is caused be many socio-economic factors including scarce resouces, the poverty trap, and standards of... No you're right it's way simpler to say 'SIN!!!' as your answer to fucking everything.
Bloody world must be so simple to them.
Nope don't think that is the reason. There is no crime in being poor.
As far as government, its called outreach.
That's...not even in the Old Testament, let alone the New.
Did Job sin?
Did Jesus, who advocated poverty, sin?
> Poverty is caused by SIN.
No. It is caused by COS, and our leaders have taken effective measures against that.
Funny thing, the poorer people are the more likely they are to believe in some mythical religious bullshit or other.
Sad thing, there are a lot of poor people and aside from anything else they go a long way to keeping your bullshit fairytales alive.
Oh, and I think you could be in line for a "Most Inappropriate Username" Award of some sort.
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