[Re. a mosque being built near Ground Zero]
That big 'ol, glaring and super-conspicuous mosque will be the newest collective symbol to remind Americans that they should feel guilt for being so mean to minorities. It'll be like going to confession for all of America. Whenever they pass by it, they will be compelled to render a respectful Muslin salute; bow; and beg for forgiveness.
Whenever assertive minorities get into the faces of guilt-laden Americans, Americans respect them even more. Respect is a euphemism for fear.
It may be recalled that in the wake of 9/11, guilty Americans expressed an immediate outpouring of love and support for the entire Muslim world. Some angry conservatives predicted a Muslim backlash. Other than a few petty, juvenile acts of vandalism and keyboard patriotism, there was no backlash whatsoever. Americans even elected a Muslim president!
Wow! The Stockholm Syndrome in all its 13-story glaring glory.
O Allah! It is written. HA-HA-HA-HA
some how i doubt your reaction would be the same if they started building a church memorialize the abortion doctors shot by Christian fundies.
you DO realize that there were thousands of Muslims who worked in the world Trade Center who died, right?
It's a couple of blocks away, so it's hardly in your face.
It's a big community center, including a swimming pool and performing arts center. So much for your delusions of militancy.
The post-9/11 backlash included murder. But one victim was a Sikh, not a Muslim. Of course, the killer was on about the same level as Phil O'Suckitall here, so he couldn't tell the difference.
Or maybe it's just a place of worship, where people can enjoy the freedom of religious insanity choice. Personally, I think a barbecue pit would be disrespectful, but that's about it.
"At least the Muslims you're talking about took the high road and didn't lash out with violence."
That would be a first for Muslims. The fact is when 9/11 happened, instaid of blaming and punishing the terrorists, the liberls turned inward and blamed America for what happening spewing BS about how we deserved it. Those poor innocent sand n*****s that we exploit, we deserved to be attacked. Allowing this Mosque is poof of that mentality. It isnt "respect" its a way to spit in the face of the victims and New York
Yes, we spread our love and support for the Muslim world directly to Iraq and Afghanistan!
Old Full O'Bullshit sure is right about that!
Maybe they were talking about Bush.
Sadly a few days after the attacks Bush actually visited the Islamic Center at Washington, then basically said "Don't blame them".
Then he turns around and acts like a warmongering nut.
Jerry Fawell said we deserved it. alwell "US deserved 9/11' Pat Robertson agreed, I didn't know they were liberal.
Anne Graham said god "let it happen".
DOS you still didn't respond to people pointing out that the majority of the Muslim world wasn't "Dancing in the streets" (Partly because they all went OH **** we're going to get bombed)
So I guess Ground Zero is sacred ground to the ultra-right wing teabagger fundie Christians? If the area around Ground Zero is so holy to them, why didn't they buy up all the land so that no Muslims could build a mosque?
@DOS Et Al: I know you're just a troll, but... How is allowing religious freedom (as called for in our U.S. Constitution) a slap in the face to NYC or the victims of 9/11? What you don't seem to understand is that the terrorists want us to overreact and persecute Muslims who have nothing to do with terrorism. They would love to see us ban building of a mosque anywhere near Ground Zero, so I see allowing it to be built is a slap in the face to Muslim terrorists. No matter how many times they've attacked us, we still guarantee religious freedom. And it really gets under their skin. Strangely enough, it also bothers Christian fundies.
I kinda thought that there was backlash against Muslims post-9/11. Not outpouring of love and support. Did I miss something?
Well, I think an airport would probably be something else of poor taste to put on Ground Zero. Just a random thought. :D
"You haven't gotten tired of trolling FSTDT yet?..."
You havent gotten tired of calling everyone with differing views a troll? A troll implies some one being devils advocate. Im not. I belive everything i say. You want me to shut up? Get some one to ban me, untill then ill express my opinions when i feel like it.
Actually, DOS, a troll implies someone knowingly and premeditatedly engaging in an action or series of actions designed to illicit a hostile response from others. In that way, it is similar to flamebaiting, but flamebaiting is typically done to get the other party(ies) in trouble or establish some sort of perceived higher footing, whereas the aim of a troll is simply to have fun being an ass.
"Respect is a euphemism for fear."
Only if you're a fundy then you have no concept of respect, the closest your limited thinking can come to it is fear.
Actually, yes, it is our fault, anyone that looks at the past history of all our fucking meddling with the middle east and fucking them over like we did Native Americans all for oil pretty much set us up for it.
I mean let's see...
Iran...yup, meddled in politics to make the US look like a dick
Iraq...Saddam was empowered by aid from the US and was an ally of the US during the Iran Iraq war
Palestine...oh, lets take all their land and give it to the poor oppressed Jews
Saudi Arabia is about the only Middle East country that doesn't fucking publicly hate us because we suck their collective dick like a 40 dollar whore for that black stuff we use
As far as saying that Muslims are entirely justified for 9/11 and other bullshit, no, none have said so. The fact that you hate anyone you see with a different perspective does not make your ranting assumptions true
"It may be recalled that in the wake of 9/11, guilty Americans expressed an immediate outpouring of love and support for the entire Muslim world"
This is painfully retarded.
"A troll implies some one being devils advocate."
Wrong. A troll disrupts conversations and annoys people to elicit a response from other people and provoke them into losing their cool or getting upset, just for entertainment purposes.
@Saladin: If he was high, he'd make MORE sense.
...wait did you mean Phil or our out-of-date DOS? I think it applies either way, seeing as a thousand-percent increase in hate crimes is hardly an outpouring of love and support, and the less said about DOS' inanity the better.
Uhmmmm...these people do know that the COMMUNITY CENTER will be two blocks from Ground Zero. You know, close to the church, the bars, and the twenty-three Starbucks.
"Oh, the Protestants hate the Catholics
And the Catholics hate the Protestants
And the Muslims hate the Hindus
And everybody hates the Jews!"
Tom Lehrer had it right when he performed "National Brotherhood Week" back in the 1960's. So little has changed ...
"Americans expressed an immediate outpouring of love and support for the entire Muslim world."
Well isn't that what Jesus told his followers to do - love your enemies, and love them even more when they hurt you?
Why the hell do you morons want everyone to follow the teachings of a guy that YOU don't even listen to?
I can't believe you assholes are still calling Obama a Muslim.
Maybe you can blow it up and display you're exactly the same as them. Hating and wishing death on everything that's different. Because that's what you all do. Same religions, different names, same hate.
@Boadicea: oh yeah, I love that song! Hee catchy irreverence. 'All the rich folks / hate the poor folks...'
And Phil seems to need reminding that minorities are Americans too. Duh. If they weren't they'd be 'foreigners,' not 'minorities,' since the majority of everyone is not white, Christian, or American, let alone all three.
Not a mosque, not anywhere near Ground Zero (which isn't sacred fucking ground anyway) and Americans expressed their "love" for the Muslim world by bombing the shit out of two mainly Muslim countries.
And Obama is not a fucking Muslim. He smokes, drinks, eats pork and checks out girls. If he's a Muslim, he sucks at it.
Yeah, that Muslin salute... Disgraceful! You should acknowledge America's greatness with the jersey cotton salute!
@DOS: A first? Guess you never heard of the crusades, in which Europeans invaded Muslim land repeatedly and without justification? Yeah, the retaliatory invasions of Europe then were really full-on. And the way the Middle East responded throughout the 80s and 90s was a huge overreaction considering America (and Russia) weren't blatantly using them as pawns, cannon fodder in a war they had no investment in. All we do is help them, and they keep attacking us relentlessly! Why, oh why? </sarcasm>
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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