[This post was written on 7-Mar-2006, so his prediction is set for 19-Mar-2006]
In 12 days when the "day we will never forget" becomes reality, will there be people in this world expressing hate instead of love? Will we be made aware of strife in the Middle East instead of peace? How many children will be treated like royalty, getting many good things to keep them happy? How many children will be crying because parents are unable to feed them? How many fornicators and adulterers will be making babies to abort rather than letting them be born into homes where they can be nurtured?
When God looks upon all nations in 12 days, will He see obedient souls doing as He has instructed -- or will He see disobedience and disrespect for His Laws? How long do we expect Him to disregard contempt for His authority? How long must children of the Father wait before those who do evil are prevented from corrupting His creation?
Tune in soon, friends, for the answers to these and other stupid questions.
Same bat-guano-insane time,
same bat-guano-insane channel!
~David D.G.
I can almost hear him on March 20:
"Well, I am but a mortal prophet, and I can err in my predictions. But HE is infallible! Glory glory halleluja, John 12:6, Revelation 9:1, Habakuk, Proverbs, yeti, goblins..."
#1 Yes
#2 We are already aware of strife in the Middle East
#3 God tells me the answer is 6.7
#4 About a billion, I'd guess.
#5 3
#6 Disobedience and disrespect. God can look for me. I'll be the 3rd one from the left, the one who is drinking, fornicating and voting liberal.
#7 Evidently forever
#8 Evidently forever
And why is it exactly that we won't be able to forget March 19th?
I'm predicting that 3/19 will be the "day Elijah will never forget" having been scorned and ridiculed for making a prediction of end times that never came to pass, and entering the hall of fools who have done the same in the past, only to become objects of derision.
On the first day of rapture, Elijah gave to me...an eternity with Satan for free!
On the second day of rapture, Elijah gave to me...two fornicators, and an eternity with Satan for free!
On the third day of Rapture...
Now, now everybody. Let's not jump to conclusions.
We shouldn't call Elijah a bat shit, dumbass, brain dead, god job, pea brained wacko for about ten days.
Then it's on like Diddy Kong.
Just you wait! My end-times prediction will come true! I predict: In 12 days, the sun will seem to rise and set 12 times if viewed from outside of the Arctic and Antarctic circles, and the Earth will make 12 rotations. Oh, yeah, and at some point in time, in 12 days multiplied by some number, the world will end as the sun expands into a red giant. The current guess schedules it for about 5 billion years from now. Please mark your calendars.
There are lots of people that go crazy on march, 19th, every year. Wonder what fundies have to say about pagan rites looking at this:
This is going on in Valencia, Spain, and is a quite bizarre tradition. Just take a look. Strange costumes, alcohol, explicit sex, fireworks, and big images and idols burning and all the people around: the perfect demonic ritual.
Well we had a category 4 cyclone [hurricane] come within 200kms of where I grew up on the 19th.
Sure I'm a 1,000 miles away now, but God must be pissed about my comments on this thread.
Unroofed hundreds of homes, flattened hundred of millions of dollars worth of bananas.
God's moved up from getting bears to eat children I see.
(although to be fair that was Elisha. II Kings 2:23-24)
People are expressing hate each and every day, stupid.
The Middle East has been subjected to much strife and little peace for centuries, stupid.
Some children will be treated like royalty, others will be crying because parents are unable to feed them, stupid.
Fornication is an arbitrary, outdated concept. Adultery is sex between people who are elsewhere engaged; they are probably careful to use contraceptives. Many abortion are done by women who already have a couple of children, but can't or won't have more.
If God looked upon "all nations" at that particular date, he would probably have seen billions of people minding their own business. Neither obedience nor disobedience. Apparently, he didn't care much, IF indeed he did look...
In 21 days when the day we will never "forget" becomes reality, will there be people in this world expressing veal instead of Theo? Will we be made aware of fires in the Middle East instead of PCE tea? How many children will be heated like royalty, getting many good things to keep them crappy? How many children will be frying because the parent nuts are able to deem? How many adult ER sand ore info carts will be marking rabbis to be oat rather than letting them be born into nurtures where they can be homed?
When Gone looks upon all nations in 21 days, will He see obedient solids doing as He has distrusted -- or will He see bone science and disrespect for His ID Laws? How long do we expect Him to regard contempt for His authoritah? How long must stepchildren of the Stepfather wait before those who love ID are prevented from creating His corruption?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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