Elijah #fundie boardserver.superstats.com

[This post was written on 7-Mar-2006, so his prediction is set for 19-Mar-2006]

In 12 days when the "day we will never forget" becomes reality, will there be people in this world expressing hate instead of love? Will we be made aware of strife in the Middle East instead of peace? How many children will be treated like royalty, getting many good things to keep them happy? How many children will be crying because parents are unable to feed them? How many fornicators and adulterers will be making babies to abort rather than letting them be born into homes where they can be nurtured?

When God looks upon all nations in 12 days, will He see obedient souls doing as He has instructed -- or will He see disobedience and disrespect for His Laws? How long do we expect Him to disregard contempt for His authority? How long must children of the Father wait before those who do evil are prevented from corrupting His creation?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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